- isotropic rocket game 无向性火箭对策
- Edit: and to add to that. The title. It's like saying yao sighting at toyota center during rockets game. 这是很严重的错误。可怜的笨蛋编辑:之所以加上编辑。题目。就像是在说,在丰田中心火箭队的比赛中看到了姚。
- Whenever I go to a Rockets game, there is this extremely tall man moving around on wooden flooring in the center of the arena. 每当我去看火箭队的比赛时,总能看到这个身形极其高大的大个子在球场的木地板上来回地跑动。
- "I'm so bummed out about his injury" says Yan Xin 27 a Yao fan who never misses a Rockets game when they are televised in China. “听到他的伤势,我感到遭透了,”27岁的姚明粉丝严新(音)说,他从没错过任何一场中国电视台转播的火箭队比赛。
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- In regards to media broadcasts (television &audio) in China of Rockets games. 对于火箭的比赛在中国媒体转播(电视及影音)。
- His high wire act often cost the Rockets games, and arm chair quarterback became every Houstonian's favorite game. 他豪赌似的比赛经常让火箭丢掉比赛,而且火箭队每场球都能看见他大爷似的发号施令。
- In every game they were bested by their opponents. 每一场比赛他们都被对方击败。
- They planned to send a rocket to the moon. 他们计划向月球发射火箭。
- Stop gloating just because you won the game! 别因为赢了就扬扬得意!
- The game will lose its relish when you grow old. 你年纪大了以后,就会发现这种游戏的趣味大打折扣了。
- The umpire ousted the arguing player from the game. 裁判员将那位不服判决的运动员罚下场。
- She capitalized on her opponent's mistake and won the game. 她利用了她对手的失误赢得了比赛。
- Imagine a rocket that can travel at the rate of light! 想象一下能以光的速度飞行的火箭。
- Hardly had the game begun when it started raining. 比赛刚刚开始就下起雨来。
- Have you got any rain check for the following game? 你拿到下一场球的免费票了吗?
- A rocket manned by trained astronauts will launch soon. 载有受过训练的宇航员的火箭马上就要发射了。
- Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game. 阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。
- Scientists have computed the probable course of the rocket. 科学家利用计算机计算了火箭可能运行的轨道。
- He is expected to win the game with ease. 预计他在比赛中会轻易获胜。