- irrotational velocity field 无旋流速场
- The velocity field in blown film die was simulated by FEM method. 用有限元法对吹膜机头内熔体流动的速度场进行了模拟。
- It was indicated that the real accuracy of velocity field by GPS or VLBI reached 1 mm/a,and SLR 2 mm/a. SLR实测台站地心速度已经达到2 mm/a的精度。
- Rebuilding near-surface velocity field is very important for calculating statics. 摘要近地表速度场的重建是获得准确静校正量的关键。
- Doppler laser velocimeter is employed to measure the velocity field around hanged grid &deflector plate. 用多普勒激光测速系统对悬栅和悬板栅附近流场进行了测试,分析了悬栅、悬板栅的消能效果。
- Yu, S.B., H.Y.Chen, and L.C.Kuo, 1997, Velocity field of GPS stations in Taiwan area: Tectonophysics, 274, 41-59. 蒲新杰,2003,利用线形地震网探讨台湾南部主要构造:国立中央大学地球物理研究所硕士论文,122页。
- Velocity field and variation of wall thickness are studied theoretically during tube dieless upsetting. 对管材无模扩径变形速度场及壁厚变化规律进行了理论及实验研究。
- In this paper, velocity field and variation of wall thickness are studiedtheoretically during tube dieless upsetting. 对管材无模镦粗变形速度场及壁厚变化规律进行了理论研究。
- The Zeroth Order Solution of the Velocity Field around Micro Comb Structures with Lateral Oscillation. 后设资料;授权与引用资讯;连结到原始资料网站 ...
- Uses the level set method with reinitialization to compute the movement of fronts under a given velocity field. (译):用Level Set方法计算与reinitialization流动的战线根据某一速度场。
- Obtained temperature field and velocity field and concentration field in the gasification furnace, in addition achieved coal gas component on outlet. 总结了在具有复杂化学反应的高温、高压容器中,对水煤浆气化过程的数值模拟时经常遇到的问题和解决方法。
- The vortex in Doppler velocity field, echo tops, vertical integrated liquid, lift stream and cold advection are significant in this rainfall case. 多普勒速度场、回波顶高、垂直累积液态含水量、对应的上升气流以及温度平流对这次降水具有预报指示意义.
- In the light of the inwall depression in the process of tubular intermediate upseting, a parallel velocity field model with depression is established. 针对管坯中部锻锻变形过程中产生的内壁凹陷现象,建立了含凹陷的平行速度场模型。
- Yu, S.B., Chen, H.Y. and Kuo, L.C., 1997, Velocity field of GPS station in the Taiwan area, Tectonophysics, Vol. 274, pp. 41-59. 萧铭玺,1996,北港高区基盘附近新构造运动之数值模拟,国立台湾大学地质学研究所硕士论文,共113页。
- The distribution of the temperature field in solidificati on zone was gained by coupling calculating of velocity field and temperature fie ld. 通过速度场与温度场的耦合计算,得到了凝固区的温度场分布情况。
- The results show that the temperature field, velocity field and the temperature stability under large temperature difference air supply are satisfied. 结果表明,空调送风大温差下的温度场和速度场以及温度稳定性能满足恒温室要求。
- For enhancing the migrated imaging,these techniques,like DMO,migration velocity field smoothing and pre-stack depth migration,are used. 采用DMO、偏移速度场平滑、叠前深度偏移等技术提高偏移成像精度。
- Yu, S.B., Chen, H.Y., Kuo L.C. (1997) Velocity field of GPS stations in the Taiwan area, Tectonophysics, v.274, p.41-59. 吴乐群(1993)台湾西南部旗山地区上部第三系及第四系之沉积层序与演化,国立台湾大学理学院地质研究所博士论文。
- Analyze temperature field and velocity field of guest room by making use of CFD technique and experiment associative mode. 利用CFD技术与实验相结合的方式对客房空调气流的温度场和速度场进行了分析。
- Velocity field and bemperature field of replacement ventilation of air-conditioning in a typical large space building are studied by using FIDAP. 用FIDAP软件模拟了一典型大空间建筑空调采用置换通风的室内空气流动的速度场和温度扬。