- To proceed in an irregular course; meander. 蜿蜒以不规则的路线前进;曲折而行
- To proceed in an irregular course;meander. 蜿蜒以不规则的路线前进;
- The blood coursed through the arteries. 血液在动脉血管中循环。
- She tested the whole class on irregular verbs. 她对全班学生进行不规则动词测验。
- Her front teeth were irregular in formation. 她的门牙排列不整齐。
- These procedures are highly irregular. 这些程序是很不合乎规则的。
- The trains from here are irregular. 从这里开出的火车是无规律的。
- The coastline in this area is quite irregular. 这个地区的海岸线非常不整齐。
- regular coursed rubble 毛石整层砌
- The blood coursed through his veins. 血在他的血管中流动。
- A hymn of irregular meter sung after the gradual. (天主教)圣歌弥撒开阶歌后唱的圣歌
- Many people were entombed in the rubble of the bombed buildings. 很多人被埋在炸毁的建筑物的瓦砾里。
- A short, irregular motion of waves. 碎浪波浪短而不规则地运动
- Braces straightened the girl's irregular teeth. 畸形矫正钢丝架平正了这女孩不整齐的牙齿。
- coursed rubble masonry 成层毛石圬工
- The ceiling collapsed and rubble poured into the room. 天花板坍塌了,碎砖破瓦掉落到了屋里。
- Through analysis on the structure of valence electron shell, the atom radius, the bonding orbital and other important parameters, this paper discusses the irregularity in the second circle of nonmetal elements and the irregular courses. 摘要本文通过对第二周期元素价电子层结构、原子半径、成键轨道及其重要参数的分析,讨论了第二周期非金属元素的不规则现象,并且分析了产生这些不规则性的原因。
- Many people are entombed in the rubble of the bombe buildings. 很多人被埋在炸毁的建筑物的瓦砾里。
- Irregular in course or behavior; unpredictable. 不规律的在过程上或行为上无规律的; 不可预测的
- Of cours I didn't want to hurt his feelings. 我自然不想伤害他的感情。