- When the papermachine have been worn or cots and oscillating iron roller when poor contact, they cannot obtain uniform cloth inks and ink. 当胶辊轴脚磨损或胶辊与串不朱铁辊隔绝不良时,都不克不及达不败较平均的布不朱和传不朱。
- Previous to this invention, all flat glass was cut from cylinders or disks of blown glass, but now the metal was poured directly from the pot onto an iron table and flattened with an iron roller. 在这一发明前,所有的平板玻璃都是从吹制玻璃的圆柱体或圆盘上切割下来的,现在则是将玻璃熔液直接从熔化罐倒在铁板上,用铁棍压平。
- Previous to this invention,all flat glass was cut from cylinders or disks of blown glass,but now the metal was poured directly from the pot onto an iron table and flattened with an iron roller. 在这一发明前,所有的平板玻璃都是从吹制玻璃的圆柱体或圆盘上切割下来的,现在则是将玻璃熔液直接从熔化罐倒在铁板上,用铁棍压平。
- The influences of different annealing temperature on the structure and hardness was compared and investigated.The proper annealing temperature for the bainite nodular iron roller ring was proposed. 对比研究了不同退火温度对贝氏体球铁辊环组织和硬度的影响,提出了贝氏体球铁辊环合适的退火温度。
- Quality steel is used in flat ironing roller, whose surface reaches mirror finish through fine processing. 熨平辊采用优质钢材,经过精细加工,表面达到镜面程度。
- iron roller type rice milling machine 铁滚筒碾米机
- Steam is used to heat the ironing roller and the surface temperature of the ironing roller is even and can be adjusted automatically. 型滚筒熨平机采用蒸汽加热,滚筒工作面温度均匀且可自动控制,能耗低;开机升温、停机降温快,作准备时间短。本机也可以采用油加热,加热温度高。
- Iron roller rice brushing machine 铁辊擦米机
- horizontal iron roller rice mill 横式铁辊碾米机
- This relationship has been proved right by application to large CrMo nodular compound chill cast iron rollers. 此依据在大型铬钼冷硬球墨复合铸铁轧辊的振动时效中获得了成功运用。
- Pulled by a winch, this hexagonal pavilion glides smoothly over a track of iron rollers. 在推作机带动下,六角亭沿著铁管排成的轨道,轻移莲步。
- The CCY-84 model magnetic stress meter is a cheap and flexible instrument for measuring the residual stress in the working layer of cast iron rollers. 选用CCY-84型磁测应力仪来测定铸铁轧辊工作层残余应力,轻便价廉,但须先获得磁测应为灵敏系数。
- They used a steam roller to iron out the road. 他们用蒸汽压路机压平了路面。
- The ride on the roller coaster dizzied us. 乘坐云霄飞车使我们头晕。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- It will take weeks to get all the wrinkle iron out. 解决这些难题得要几周时间。
- May I borrow your roller skates? 我可以借你的旱冰鞋吗?
- Have you any scrap iron knocking about? 你那儿有散在各处的废铁吗?
- Clattering along on roller skates. 踩着轮式溜冰鞋行进