- Design and devlopment of walking-beam reheating furnace of Beam Section Steel Plant in Anshan Iron and Steel Co. 鞍钢大型厂步进式加热炉设备设计与开发。
- Introduction on Injection of Waste Plastic Into BF in Keihin Iron and Steel Plant, Japanese Tube Corp. 日本钢管公司京滨钢铁厂高炉喷吹废塑料情况。
- Any iron and steel plant will always produces tens of thousands of the ferruginous wastes yearly. 钢铁厂内每年产生数万吨含铁垃圾,回收其中的铁资源是企业发展的需要。
- The gas turbine using a low caloric value gas, which is suitable for iron and steel plants, has both single and multi tube type burner. 适合钢铁厂低热值煤气燃气轮机有单筒燃烧器和多筒燃烧器二种类型。
- The treatment,recovery and utilization of waster water in normal iron and steel plant are introduced,and those in Han Steel analyzed. 介绍了目前钢铁企业废水的处理方法及回用现状,对邯钢废水的处理方法及回用进行了分析。
- Abstract The development and application of hot metal charging on 50 t EAF special steel plant at Laiwu Iron and Steel Co. 摘要 对莱钢50 t电炉特钢流程研究与应用铁水热装工艺进行了较为系统的介绍,经过实践获得了最佳的热装铁水比。
- Sanming Iron and Steel Plant is the province’s first medium-sized iron and steel complex, can produce a variety of steel products. 三明钢铁厂是本省第一座中型钢铁联合企业,能生产多种钢材。
- The basic physicochemical properties and reducibility of the scale and iron red in an iron and steel plant are researched. 对钢铁厂铁鳞、铁红的基本物化性能和还原性能进行了研究。
- Iron and steel are of great use. 钢和铁有很大的用处。
- Iron and steel base in Zhanjiang early as supporting projects, five million tons Longteng logistics project teams will become a steel plant in Zhanjiang production. 作为湛江钢铁基地前期配套项目,龙腾物流五百万吨球团项目今后将成为湛江钢铁厂的一个生产环节。
- The paper introduces the advantages of axial blower and economic benefits it brings about in the application to blast furnace in Liuzhou Iron and Steel Plant. 介绍轴流鼓风机的优点及其在柳钢高炉的成功应用所产生的经济效益。
- A magnet attracts both iron and steel. 磁铁吸铁也吸钢。
- It can be used as dispersant in pour-cooling water if iron and steel plants, and also used together with organic phosphonate and zine salts in circulation cooling water with high hardness and high alkality. 用于钢铁厂淋洗的冷却水,防止氧化铁、氧化锌和泥沙沉积,以及用于高碱度循环冷却水中与有机膦酸盐、锌复配的阻垢缓蚀剂。
- This paper deals with the problem of hot rolling scheduling in iron and steel plants,and it is treated as a multiple traveling salesmen problem with capacity constraints and a heuristic is proposed. 研究了钢铁厂的热轧调度问题,将其转化为带有能力约束的多旅行商问题,并对此给出一个启发式算法.
- We have projects in almost major iron and steel plants in China, such as Baosteel, Wisco, Shougang, Angang, etc. and in other countries, such as U.S.A., Canada, Brazil, India, Korea, etc. 我们的项目几乎遍及中国的主要钢铁厂,如宝钢、武钢、首钢、鞍钢等等,以及其他国家,如美国、加拿大、巴西、印度、韩国等。
- Coking Plant of Changzhi Iron and Steel. 长治钢铁有限公司焦化厂。
- In this paper, the workshop of building all of one northern iron and steel plant is regarded as the model, the humidity method of applying heating and ventilation is studied and the problem of producing dew in the workshops are well settled. 以北方某钢铁企业的造球车间为模型 ,研讨了应用采暖通风的除湿方法 ,较好地解决车间内的结露问题。
- In order to recycle BF dust bearing Zn and Pb of an iron and steel plant in Hunan province and produce high ZnO value, a lot of experiments were carried out during iron bath process. 针对湖南某钢铁厂含铅、锌高炉粉尘的综合利用问题进行研究,讨论了还原时间、还原温度及铁液量等因素对炉尘铅、锌分离效果的影响。
- A virtual movie "Shanghai Iron and Steel Plant", had recruited the actors to participate in the performance of Asian people in the United States, Pennsylvania, a steel plant set to build the site. 影片虚拟了一个“上海钢铁厂”,曾招募亚裔群众演员参与演出,在美国宾夕法尼亚州一间钢铁厂遗址上搭建布景。
- Here is to be built an iron and steel factory. 这里将要修建一座钢铁厂。