- Involuntary manslaughter can be based on criminal negligence. 非故意非预谋杀人罪可基于过失犯罪而成立.
- Because no one has deliberately assassinated the miners, the appropriate legal term is involuntary manslaughter, comparable to a case in which a drunk driver ends another's life in a car accident. 很明显,在这个案例中,当事人以对应的法律术语应该“过失杀人罪”,与醉酒司机撞死人的性质类似。
- In 2008, Army Cpl Timothy Ayers was sentenced to two years and four months in prison after pleading guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the fatal 2007 shooting of his platoon sergeant in Iraq. 2008年,陆军下士TA由于在伊拉克2007年的一起致命枪击案中对其所在排的士官犯有过失杀人罪而被判监禁2年零4个月。
- involuntary manslaughter; involuntary servitude; an involuntary shudder; It (becoming a hero) was involuntary. They sank my boat- John F.Kennedy 过失杀人罪;无意的奴隶状态;无意的发抖;它(成为英雄)是无意的,他们沉了我的船-约翰.;F
- involuntary manslaughter; involuntary servitude; an involuntary shudder; It (becoming a hero) was involuntary. They sank my boat- John F.Kennedy. 过失杀人罪;无意的奴隶状态;无意的发抖;它(成为英雄)是无意的,他们沉了我的船-约翰.;F
- An involuntary of joy escaped from her lips. 她那情不自禁的喜悦脱口而出。
- involuntary manslaughter 过失杀人罪
- Absence of mind is altogether an involuntary thing. 发愣,是完全出自无意识了。
- The defendant is up for manslaughter. 被告因杀人罪而被审判。
- The uncontrolled or involuntary discharge of urine. 遗尿无法控制或非自觉地排尿
- An involuntary trembling or quivering. 战战兢兢一种不由自主的颤栗或颤抖
- He was accused of manslaughter . 他被控告杀人。
- The charge has been reduced to manslaughter. 指控降成了过失杀人。
- The jury found him guilty (of manslaughter). 陪审团裁定他(误杀)罪名成立.
- The jury convicted the defendant of manslaughter. 陪审团判定被告犯有杀人罪
- The law must draw a between murderand manslaughter. 法律必须区分谋杀和过失杀人罪。
- An involuntary trembling or quivering, as from nervous agitation or weakness. 战栗不由自主地颤动或抖动,如由于神经或虚弱等原因
- An involuntary shudder passed over both of us. 我们两人都情不自禁地打了个寒颤。
- Andy is serving a ten spot for manslaughter. 安迪因误杀要服刑十年。
- The jury found him guilty of manslaughter. 陪审团裁定他过失杀人罪名成立。