- investment phase of a project 项目投资时期
- Typically, the actual construction phase of a project occurs in the shortest amount of time. 但是管道施工的特点是管道的实际施工期限往往发生在一个很短的时间。
- Test Transact-SQL statements and stored procedures in the development phase of a project by single-stepping through statements to confirm that the code works as expected. 在项目开发阶段,通过单步执行语句来测试Transact-SQL语句和存储过程,以确保代码按预期方式运行。
- Virion The extracellular inert phase of a virus. 病毒(成熟)粒子:病毒在宿主细胞外以静止状态存在的结构。
- Move to the beginning of a project (timescale). 移动到项目开始(时间刻度)。
- Move to the end of a project (timescale). 移动到项目结尾(时间刻度)。
- Represents the completion status of a project. 表示项目的完成状态。
- The full path and name of a project file. 项目文件的完整路径和名称。
- Contents and Layout of a Project Planning Report. 研究计画规划书之内涵和配置。
- So far offers a full exhibit on the Propylaea and the first phases of a project on the Temple of Athena Nike. 迄今为止,提供通廊的全面展示和阿西娜胜利女神殿第一期工程。
- A preliminary draft or plan, as of a project or proposal. 草案初步的草案或计划,如工程或建议的草案
- A projecting brim at the front of a bonnet. 宽前檐一顶女帽前面突出的帽沿
- An arch or a projecting arched member of a vault. 圆拱:拱形结构的拱或突出拱形部件。
- The final phase of a transsexual operation she'd had 16 years ago. 是她16年前做的变性手术的最后一个阶段。
- A projecting part of a fortification. 棱堡防御堡垒的突出部分
- The Kasserine battle marked the end of a phase of the champaign. 凯塞林之役,为显示此次会议战中之结束阶段。
- For Cuba, the Games are the final phase of a four-year cycle. 对于古巴来说,奥运会是四年一个周期的最后阶段。
- A projecting forward part, such as the front end of a ski. 前端的突出部分向前突出的前端,比如滑雪板的前端
- This picture is part of a project called "Eaux du Sahel". 这幅作品出自一个名为“荒漠草原的水”的拍摄计划。
- Standard Practice for Performing and Reporting Cost Analysis During the Design Phase of a Project 项目设计阶段的执行和成本分析报告的标准规程