- Investment grade bonds outperform governments. 投资级债券表现胜过政府债券。
- Investment grade bonds marginally under perform governments. 投资级债券的表现略逊于政府债券。
- Investment grade bonds marginally underperform government bonds. 投资级债券表现较政府债券略逊色。
- Both credit-rating agencies still place it a few notches below investment grade. 不过信贷评级机构依然将尼日利亚列在投资级别之下。
- Investment grade bonds marginally underperform government bonds as spreads widen. 由于息差扩大,投资级债券稍稍跑输政府债券。
- Credit bonds for investment grade credit as well as distressed debt have suffered greater falls than even equities. 投资级信用的信用债券以及不良债权甚至遭受了比股票更大的下滑。
- The rating agency reminded investors that India was in danger of losing its investment grade. 该评估机构提醒投资者,印度已处于丧失投资等级的危险中。
- Investment grade bonds underperform government bonds as spreads continue to widen. 由于两者之间息差不断扩阔,投资级债券跑输政府债券。
- Junk BondA bond that is rated by a ratings agency as being below investment grade and investment in the bond is high risk. 垃圾债券被信用级别评定机构评定为低于投资级别的投资风险高的债券。
- Our house view has increased weight in equity and high yield fixed income at the expense of investment grade and low yielding cash. 我们建议,以牺牲投资评级和低收益现金为代价,增持股票及高收益的固定收益基金。
- Moody's has three levels of prime or investment grade ratings,divided into 10 subsidiary levels,from Aaa,the top Prime-1 rating,to Baa3,the bottom Prime-3 rating. 穆迪在优质或投资级方面的评级有3个。其中,从最高优质1级的Aaa,到最低优质3级的Baa3共有10个等次。
- Moody's has three levels of prime or investment grade ratings, divided into 10 subsidiary levels, from Aaa, the top Prime-1 rating, to Baa3, the bottom Prime-3 rating. 穆迪在优质或投资级方面的评级有3个。 其中,从最高优质1级的Aaa,到最低优质3级的Baa3共有10个等次。
- News that GM and Ford's debt had been cut to below investment grade status was overshadowed by a US $868 million bid for GM by billionaire Kirk Kerkorian. 亿万富翁KirkKerkorian以8.;68亿美元增持通用汽车股份的消息,抵销通用汽车及福特汽车的信贷评级遭降至低于投资级别的影响。
- Securities issued in the context of high yield bond financings are often complex in nature, and, because they are below investment grade, involve a high degree of risk. 在高回报债券资本市场环境中发行的证券通常都具有复杂性特点,并且因为它们低于投资级别因而会带有高度风险性。
- Traders in the financial markets reckon that the Senate's blow to the public finances will discourage the ratings agencies from elevating Brazil's debt to investment grade. 金融市场的交易者认为这次临时金融流通税的流产将会延迟评级机构将巴西国债提升至投资级。
- But for the time being, new supply is more likely to come from issuers newly fallen from investment grade to junk, rather than from existing junk-rated issuers. 但眼下,新供应更有可能来自刚从投资级降到垃圾级的发行者,而不是现有的垃圾级发行者。
- Insurance firms, which gobbled up large but unknown quantities of highly rated Alt-A paper, will now be forced sellers since they are not permitted to hold securities rated below investment grade. 保险公司先前吞下了大量但数目不详的高评级次优证券,现在将被迫清仓,因为它们持有的证券不得低于投资评级。
- As risk aversion continues, investors exposed to US sub prime-related debt may retrieve cash and offset their losses by selling higher quality debt, such as investment grade corporate bonds. 随着风险厌恶情绪的持续,美国次级债投资者为挽回损失,将卖出更高质量债券,如投资级公司债券来套现。
- Euro Investment Grade Bond Index 欧元区投资级别债
- He invest all his money in a shop. 他将所有的钱投资于商店。