- An investing company subscribed $100,000 for the project. 一家投资公司为这个项目捐献10万美元。
- TREE Invest is an investment company based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. TREE投资股份有限公司总部设在沙特王国首都利雅得。
- New Horizon Brilliant Investment Company Ltd. 新宏远创投资基金。
- We are a Swiss investment company. 瑞士爱格尔私有股份公司是瑞士投资公司。
- Guangquan a sepreat invest company was built in 1998 that specialization products EVA style baboosh. 广泉公司热忱欢迎五湖四海新老朋友莅临指导、参观、洽谈合作事宜。
- Is It a Corporative Coalition or a Joint Investment Company? 是法人合并还是共同投资设立的公司?
- He has put out $10,000 in the Oversea Chinese Investment Company. 他在华侨公司投资了1万美元。
- I work as a consultant with an overseas investment company. 我在一家海外投资公司做顾问。
- Regulation on non-taxable Investment company representative. 投资公司代表机构征免税规定。
- MESBIC - minority enterprise small business investment company. 少数民族小型企业投资公司。
- What are the requirements for setting up an investment company? 申请设立投资性公司应当具备哪些条件?
- Several years working experience in foreign invested company. 外资企业相关工作经验。
- He has put out$10,000in the oversea Chinese Investment Company. 他在华侨公司投资了1万美元。
- In 2007, he founded his own investment company Sige capital. 2007年,他创立自己的投资公司思格资本。
- Shanghai Shenbo Chemical Co.,Ltd is a chemical company that is multi-invested by CNO.4 Reagent &H.V Chemcial Co.,Ltd and other investing companies. 上海申博化工有限公司是由上海华谊集团、上海试四赫维化工有限公司,多元投资为主体的有限公司。
- Their move does not preclude others from investing. 他们这一行动并不影响其他人进行投资。
- I won't invest my money in his company. 我不会把我的钱投资到他的公司。
- Several years working experience in foreign invested company in logistics. 多年的外企物流部工作经验。优秀的计算机能力。
- Investing in industry is money well spent. 钱投资在工业上是正确的。
- Baoji Steel Pipe equity investment company, holds 38% of the shares. 公司巨资参股宝鸡钢管,持有38%25的股份。