- The Imaging of Discontinuities in the Inverse Scattering Problem 散射场中的非连续性成像
- inverse scattering problem 反散射问题
- The inverse acoustic scattering problem is a typical Math-matical Physics inverse problem. 声波反散射问题是一个典型的数学物理反问题。
- Correction to "subsurface inverse scattering problems: quantifying, qualifying, and achieving the available information" “水下反演散射问题:获取信息的定量、定性及存档”之补正
- Quantum groups arose from the study of quantum inverse scattering method,especially the Yang Baxter equation. 量子群起源于量子逆散射方法,特别是量子Yang-Baxter方程的研究。
- M. J. Ablowitz and P. A.Clarkson,Solitons,Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Inverse Scattering,Cambridge University Press, 1991. 刘式适,刘式达编著,物理学中的非线性方程,2000第一版,北京大学出版社。
- The numerical solution of acoustic scattering problem with two-dimension penetrable boundary condition was discussed. 摘要讨论了二维可穿透边界条件声波散射问题远场模式的数值计算方法。
- Another numerical result with the boundary absorption is compared with the theoretical solution of scattering problem for a vertical cylinder. 具有岸边吸收作用的数值结果和具有边界吸收的圆柱绕射问题的分析解进行比较。
- WANG Lian-tang.On invorse acoustic scattering problem by an obstacle[J].Journal of Engineering Mathematics,2000,(Sup.),21-27. [1]王连堂.;关于声波障碍反散射问题[J]
- A successive over-relaxation technique for solving the wave scattering problem in the inhomogeneous and isotropic medium is studied in this paper. 研究非均匀各向同性介质弹性波散射的逐次超松驰计算方法。
- And by using the quantum inverse scattering method, it has been shown that the monodromy matrix satisfies the quantum Yang-Baxter equation(QYBE) on both a finite interval and an infinite interval. So the integrability of this model is proved. 文章由一个推广的Lax pair表述形式出发,导出了推广的多分量费米型量子DNLS模型的哈密顿量; 利用量子反散射方法,找到了由Lax矩阵定义的monodromy矩阵在有限间隔和无限间隔情况下所满足的量子Yang-Baxter方程(QYBE),从而证明了模型的可积性;
- The algorithm of solving 2D inverse scattering in time domain using maximum entropy is Proposed for reconstructing the velocity distribution in Corss-hole, VSP and SRP imaging system. 用最大熵求解二维时域逆散射问题的层析成像算法反演井间、VSP和SRP中的二维介质波速分布。
- The scattering problem of elastic wave by arbitrarily shaped cavities in an infinite anisotropic medium is investigated by the boundary intcgral equation (BIE) method. 本文借助于广义格林公式导出了用位移表示的各向异性介质中SH波入射时的边界积分方程.
- The main works of this dissertation are as follows:1. The numerical algorithms of the direct acoustic scattering problem with the Neumann boundary condition is studied. 数值求解Neumann边界条价下的声波障碍散射正问题,这是声波反问题研究的基础。
- A combination of finite element method (FEM) and fast multipole algorithm (FMA) is proposed to analyze the scattering problem of electrically large coated cylinders. 采用有限元-快速多极混合算法分析了介质涂层电大尺寸导体柱的电磁散射特性。
- The antiplane scattering problem by a cylindrical canyon in a half-space is taken as an example to demonstrate the construction principle and pattern of auxiliary functions. 以半空间凹陷地形出平面散射问题为例讨论辅助函数的构造原则和正确方式;
- Abstract: A combination of finite element method (FEM) and fast multipole algorithm (FMA) is proposed to analyze the scattering problem of electrically large coated cylinders. 摘 要: 采用有限元-快速多极混合算法分析了介质涂层电大尺寸导体柱的电磁散射特性。
- Elastic wave inverse scattering perturbation theory 弹性波逆散射微扰论
- Inverse Scattering Physics and Imaging Techniques 逆散射物理及成像技术
- Solving inverse medium scattering problem by linear sampling method 利用线性抽样方法求解反介质散射问题