- Greece, the cradle of Western culture. 希腊,西方文化的发源地。
- Greece was the cradle of Western culture. 希腊是西方文化的发源地。
- Greek was the cradle of Western culture. 希腊是西方文明的摇篮。
- invasion of western culture 西学东渐
- It criticizes the talent and direct at western cultural hegemonism and power politics and reveal the invasion of the national culture of the weak tendency of surging national culture. 西方民族与非西方民族、西方文化与非西方文化是绝对的,反帝国主义就是本民族的人民和文化反对西方人和西方文化。
- Seven Japan-China and Japan, when are semifeudal and semicolonial country, the same potential decline of the country has suffered invasion of Western capitalist countries. 中日两国一衣带水,当时,都是半封建半殖民地的国家,同样国势衰微,遭受西方资本主义国家的侵略。
- This is a book that bares some of the major scars of western culture. 一本揭开了西方文化主要伤疤的书。
- Up to the recent years, with the invasion of western countries and the disaggregation of Huaxia centralism, the traditional meaning of "Zhong hua" has faded and replaced by the meaning of Chinese nationality and nation. 到了近代,随着西方的入侵、华夏中心主义的解体,传统的“中华”涵义消退,代之而起的是中华民族和国家的涵义。
- The museum recounts how Lin fought against the invasion of Western countries, but also had an open attitude towards modern cultures, sciences and technologies from the Western countries. 这个博物馆记载了林则徐怎样反对西方国家的入侵;但也有对来自西方现代文化;科学;技术的开放态度.
- With the port opened of Yingkou in the northeast of China,the invasion of western imperialist,the Christianity missionaries streamed into china as well,preached and established missionary schools. 伴随着中国东北的营口开港,西方列强势力的侵入,基督教传教士也纷至沓来,传教布道,创办学校。
- Maori have adopted many aspects of western culture as their own.And more and more new Zealanders now share in the riches of Maori heritage. 毛利人借鉴西方文化诸多方面为已用,同时,越来越多的新西兰人分享着毛利族人丰富的文化遗产。
- Another characteristic of Western culture is the emphasis on individual contribution. 西方文化的另一个特点是强调个人的贡献。
- Reading my diary is an inexcusable invasion of privacy. 看我的日记是一种不可原谅的侵犯个人隐私的行为。
- The costume on the girl epitomizes eastern culture while the American girl is an excellent metaphor of western culture. 小姑娘穿的中国服装就是东方文化的象征而美国小姑娘则极好的暗喻了西方文化。
- Greece was the cradle of Western civilization. 希腊是西方文明的发祥地。
- During this period, innumerable translations of Western books are the main carriers of Western culture. 较之近代翻译文学,五四时期的翻译文学有更多的文学自觉;
- The Allied invasion of southern Italy. 盟军对意大利南部的入侵
- The Western understanding of Chinese culture is much narrower and shallower than our understanding of Western culture. 西方公众对我们文化的认识,远不如我们对西方认识得广泛而深入。
- The dominant motherhood ideology of western culture has emerged the voices of black feminists. 母性是女权主义理论里经常讨论和争议很大的一个问题。
- No invasion of enemy territory is ever undertaken. 对敌国领土也从来没有进犯过。