- Introduction and Cultivation of Dianthus sp. 地被石竹引种栽培的技术。
- Introduction and Cultivation of Prunus cerasus L. 酸樱桃引种栽培试验。
- Introduction and cultivation Trials of Lythrum Linn. 千屈菜的引种栽培试验。
- Studies on appilication of symbionts in the introduction and cultivation of the endangered Ammopiptanthus mongolicus. 共生菌在濒危植物沙冬青引种栽培中应用研究。
- The research on introduction and acclimatization and cultivation of several wildflowers in LongTou mountain area. 龙头山部分野生花卉引种驯化与栽培研究。
- Introduction and cultivation experiment on plus strains of Camellia oleifera Abel. 油茶优良品系引种栽培试验。
- Technology on the Introduction and Cultivation of Rhodiola sachalinensis A. Bor. 高山红景天引种栽培技术
- This paper deals with climatic conditions in original lac-producing areas and lac insect introduction and cultivation in new places. 本文分析了我国紫胶主产区的气候条件以及新产区紫胶虫引种驯化的研究概况。
- The biological characteristics and the techniques of introduction and cultivation in the field of 24 cultivars of Tulipa gesneriand was studied. 作者研究了荷兰24个郁金香品种在郑州自然条件下的生物学特性和引种栽培技术.
- Wang F F.The biological characteristics, introduction and cultivation of Bougainvillea glabra[J].Subtrop Plant Res Commun, 1999, 28(2): 47-51. [2]王芬芬.;三角梅生物特性及引种栽培[J]
- Dong Baodi,Lui Xiaojing,Dong Wenqi.Preliminary study on the introduction and cultivation of Rumex K-1 herbage[J].Pratacultural Science,2000,17 (1):21-22. [2]董宝娣;刘小京;董文琦.;鲁梅克斯K-1牧草引种栽培试验研究初报[J]
- This paper studied the introduction and cultivation of Dianthus caryophyllus in greenhouse in Yinchuan region by analyzing their characteristics of the yield, quality, disease-resistance, etc. 室内栽种的概念早已流行一阵子,温室栽培也能生产西红柿、药草及其它农作物以供应市场需求。
- Abstract : This paper deals with Introduction and Cultivation of Medicinal Rhodomyrtus tomentosa(A.T.)Hassk. in Luofushan.The results show that the plant species can be acclimatized easily. 摘要 : 报道了罗浮山药用桃金娘的引种试验,试验结果表明生长快速,适应性强,令人满意,值得引种推广。
- Introduction and Cultivation of Caper Spurge 黄鼠树引种及栽培试验
- Introduction and Cultivation of Macadamia Nut 澳洲坚果引种及栽培概述
- Introduction and Cultivation of Phoenix dactylifera 海枣引种栽培初探
- The scientific study and cultivation of fruit. 果树栽培学对果树的科学研究和栽培
- Introduction and Cultivation of Verbena Hybrida 美女樱的引种栽培试验
- He is a man of charm and cultivation. 他既有魅力又有教养。