- The government is introducing measures to revive trade. 政府正在引用某些措施来振兴贸易。
- The government is introducing measures to ~ trade. 政府正在采取一些措施来振兴贸易。
- It is essential to introduce measures in various areas, including education and the management of cadres, to encourage young people. 要制定一系列制度包括干部制度和教育制度,鼓励年轻人。
- It is essential to introduce measures in various areas,including education and the management of cadres,to encourage young people. 要制定一系列制度包括干部制度和教育制度,鼓励年轻人。
- We will also introduce measures to obtain more customer feedback in project implementation and in monitoring service utilization. 我们并会制订措施,在推行计划及监察服务的使用时蒐集用户意见。
- The government be introducing measures to revive trade . 政府正在引用某些措施来振兴贸易。
- We will in future, introduce measures to better engage our customers through a clear articulation of our CRM policies and guidelines. 我们日后会制订明确的客户关系管理政策和指引,并推出相关措施,让客户有更多机会参与电子服务的发展。
- Shanghai steadied after falling sharply in the previous session on concerns that the government might introduce measures to cool the market. 上海股市昨日走稳。由于担心政府可能采取措施给股市降温,中国股市前日大幅下挫。
- It is essential to introduce measures in various areas, including education and the management.of cadres, to encourage young people. 要制定一系列制度包括干部制度和教育制度,鼓励年轻人。
- Shanghai steadied after falling sharply in the previous on concerns that the govermment might introduce measures to cool the market. 在先前关于政府会采取手段使市场降温的会议里,上海(股市)在急剧下滑之后变得稳定。
- Beijing is also widely expected to introduce measures to resuscitate the faltering property market, in an attempt to prevent a U.S.-style crash in home prices. 而北京方面也预期会推出一些政策去刺激房地产市场,避免出现像美国一样的房价下滑。
- He also introduced measures that were supposed radically to decentralise power. 他也引入了度量标准,被认为是要根本地分散权力。
- As far as I know,the IMF or World Bank or anybody has not advised any developing nation or economy to reasonably expect to introduce measures which are necessary to take these kind of stresses. 据我所知,不论是国际货币基金组织、世界银行或其他人,都没有向任何发展中国家或经济体系提出忠告,请他们作好准备,采取必要措施应付这种压力。
- Concerns that the central government may introduce measures to control speculation in the domestic stock market in anticipation of the annual National People's Congress meeting triggered the selloff. 市场担心政府会采取措施以控制年度全国人大会议召开前内地股市可能会出现的投机行为,出现了一波抛售。
- They introduced measures aimed at putting down,or at least,restricting,organized gambling. 他们提出种种措施,旨在取缔或至少限制有组织的赌博。
- They introduced measures aimed at putting down, or at least, restricting, organized gambling. 他们提出种种措施,旨在取缔或至少限制有组织的赌博。
- VREF. Since the input to the converter and its reference are derived from the same excitation source, changes in the excitation do not introduce measurement errors. 从输入这台变频器和它的参考从同样励磁来源,变化被导出在励磁上不介绍的测量错误。
- He was now in the measures of Lewis XIV. 他此刻正与路易十四共商大计。
- Allow me to introduce Miss Wu to you. 允许我把吴小姐给您介绍。
- In the city of Weymouth, Massachusetts, as more and more people set up a stall, the city had introduced measures to hold only 3 per household per year of the "big yard sale stall. 在马萨诸塞州韦茅斯市,由于摆摊的市民越来越多,该市不得不出台措施,每户每年只能举办3次“庭院摆摊大甩卖”。