- intrascleral venous pressure 巩膜内静脉(血)压
- Two types of information are obtained from the JVP: the quality of the wave form and the central venous pressure (CVP). 颈静脉搏动(JVP)--颈静脉搏动可提供两类信息:波形特性和中心静脉压。
- Prosthetic shunts and high preshunt portal venous pressure were predictors of subsequent shunt dysfunction. 修复性分流与分流前很高的门静脉压力是分流原机能障碍的预测指标。
- Objective This subject sought to investigate the relationship of hepatic venous flow(HVF) and central venous pressure(CVP). 目的研究肝静脉血流(HVF)与中心静脉压(CVP)相关性。
- Jugular venous pulse (JVP). Two types of information are obtained from the JVP: the quality of the wave form and the central venous pressure (CVP). 颈静脉搏动(JVP)--颈静脉搏动可提供两类信息:波形特性和中心静脉压。
- Portal venous pressure and gallbladder wall thickness were measured by ultrasound on different stages of hepatic fibrosis. 目的探讨超声检测肝纤维化胆囊壁厚度与门静脉压力变化的关系。
- It is widely applied in rehydration,total parenteral nutrition(TPN),monitoring central venous pressure(CVP) and rescuing critically ill Patients. 由于临床治疗上的需要,置管时间较长,因此对置管的护理显得十分重要。
- Objective To investigate the variance of central venous pressure (CVP) measured using the different measurement methods, and the best choice in clinic. 摘要目的探讨不同方法测量CVP结果的差异和临床最佳选择。
- Secondary lymphangiectasia may be caused by granulomas or cancer causing lymphatic obstruction, or increased central venous pressure (CVP) causing abnormal lymph drainage. 继发性淋巴管扩张症可能由肉芽肿或癌症造成淋巴管阻塞引起,或由中心静脉压的升高造成的流淋巴液流动异常引起。
- Measurement of hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) is a standard method for the assessment of portal pressure and correlates with the occurrence of its complications. 肝静脉压力梯度(HVPG)测定是评估门脉压力的标准方法,且HVPG也与其并发症的发生有关。
- Central venous pressure monitoring in elder surgical patients or patients with cardiopulmonary disease can vary inversely with the PA occlusion pressure (PAOP). 在年轻的手术患者或有心肺疾病的患者中心静脉压的变化可与肺动脉楔压的变化相反。
- Dyspnea due to elevated pulmonary venous pressure and pulmonary edema is increased in the recumbent position and decreased by sitting or standing (orthopnea). 由肺水肿和肺静脉压升高引起的呼吸困难在卧位时加剧,在坐位,立位(端坐呼吸)时减轻。
- Dyspnea due to elevated pulmonary venous pressure and pulmonary edema is increased in the recumbent position and decreased by sitting or standing (orthopnea). 由肺水肿和肺静脉压升高引起的呼吸困难在卧位时加剧,在坐位,立位(端坐呼吸)时减轻。
- Ventilation, Pulse Oximeter, Capnogram, TemperatureB.Central Venous Pressure, Capnogram, Pulse OximeterC.Pulse Oximeter, Blood Ventilation, Circulation, Oxygenation, TemperatureE. 下那项是美国麻醉专科医师学会所规定手术中基本监视A.
- Hemodynamic parameters including flow volume of graft、PI、wave of flow、heart rate (HR)、blood pressure (BP)、central venous pressure (CVP) were recorded. 结果吻合口狭窄程度和动脉血压对血管桥血流量值的影响最大。
- Colour Doppler evaluate pulmonary artery pressure(PAP) preoperation and monitor pulmonary artery pressure(PAP),central venous pressure (CVP),continuous cardiac output(CCO) with Swan-Ganz at intraoperation and postoperation. 术前受者超声心动图估测肺动脉压力(PAP),术中、术后Swan-Ganz导管监测肺动脉压力、中心静脉压、连续心排量(PAP、CVP、CCO)。
- All rabbits were monitored cerebral temperature (Tc), blood pressure (BP), mean arterial pressure (MAP) intracranial pressure (ICP), cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and central venous pressure (CVP). 监测脑温(Tc)、血压(Bp)、平均动脉压(MAP)、颅内压(ICP)、脑灌注压(CPP)和中心静脉压(CVP)等指标。
- intrascleral venous plexus 巩膜内静脉丛
- elevation of pulmonary venous pressure 肺静脉压增高
- "In the patient who after trauma or with critical illness may have hypovolemic shock and low central venous pressures, the vein will probably be less distended than in our subjects. 在外伤或重病患者中,可能会出现血容量减少性休克和低中心静脉压,静脉的扩张范围较小。