- Alternatively, defibrillating current may be passed between a single intracardiac catheter (right atrium, coronary sinus) and a single cutaneous patch placed anteriorly or posteriorly. 或者使除纤颤电流在一个独立的心脏导管(右心房,冠状静脉窦)与一个独立皮肤贴片(先放置后放置均可)之间流通。
- Cardioversion by intracardiac catheter 心内导管心律转复术
- intracardiac catheter His bundle electrography 心腔内导管希氏束电图
- intracardiac catheter microphone 心内导管微音器
- Typically, intracardiac catheters are positioned in the right atrium and in the coronary sinus. 通常上是把心脏内导管置于右心房和冠状静脉窦内。
- intracardiac catheter [医] 心脏内导管
- intracardiac catheter recording 心导管记录
- The water can be drawn off with a catheter. 可以用导管把水吸出。
- Background: Correct central venous catheter (CVC) insertion avoids serious complications, especially fatal intracardiac impalement. 摘要背景:正确地并且避免心脏内的置放中央静脉导管是相当重要的。
- He quickly inserts the catheter. 他很快将导液管插入。
- UTI with Foley catheter insertion has relevance80%. 而且泌尿道感染的成因与导尿管放置有其相关性,其中约有80%25导尿管有关。
- Connect drainage tubing to end of catheter. 将引流管与导尿管连接。
- At the same time, IABP catheter was withdrawn. 同时撤除 主动脉弓 内气囊反搏导管。
- SSG was performed with home made coaxial catheter. 则行输卵管再通术。
- Occludes the Vessel, Not the Catheter. 只堵血管,不堵导管。
- What is the cost associated with these catheter related infections? 与费用有关的导管相关性感染指什么?
- Objective To evaluate the feasibility and safety of intracardiac radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) in atrioventicular node (AVN) under the transthoracic echocardiography guidance. 摘要目的探索经胸心脏超声引导心内射频的可行性和安全性。
- This procedure ensures correct placement of the catheter. 这个程序可保证导液管的正确置入。
- Rhythm Control for Chronic AF: Catheter Ablation or Drugs Therapy? 慢性持续性房颤选择导管消融还是药物治疗?
- Catheter intervention for Kawasaki disease Teiji Akagi, M.D. 川崎病的介入治疗。