- intestinal carbuncle 肠痈
- Suppurative appendicitis (intestinal Carbuncle), carbuncle sore, cellulitis, anonymous swollen drugs, and women, such as breast carbuncle: sowthistle 30-60 grams (fresh double) Shuijianbi 化脓性阑尾炎(肠痈),痈疮,蜂窝组织炎,无名肿毒,妇女乳痈等:苦菜30-60克(鲜草加倍)水煎服。
- A usually audible discharge of intestinal gas. 屁从肠内排出的(通常有声音的)气体
- Intestinal obstruction causing colic, vomiting, and constipation. 肠阻塞造成腹绞痛、呕吐和便秘的肠道堵塞
- An agent that destroys or causes the expulsion of parasitic intestinal worms. 驱肠虫剂,灭肠虫剂可消灭或驱除肠内寄生虫的药物
- It's an intestinal medicine from Japan. 它是一种日本制的胃肠药。
- The phylogeny of the amphibian intestinal tract. 两栖动物肠道的演化发展
- A disease of the intestinal tract. 肠病一种肠道疾病
- A medicine that expels intestinal worms. 驱蠕虫药,驱肠虫药一种驱逐肠内蠕虫的药
- The intestinal wall;intestinal bacteria. 肠壁;肠道细菌
- Ginger can cure all kinds of carbuncle swollen Chuangdu. 生姜可治疗各种痈肿疮毒。
- Causing expulsion of intestinal worms;anthelmintic. 驱肠虫的;抗蠕虫的
- The hernia mimicked a large abdominal wall carbuncle. 初期被诊断为腹壁痈而转诊至外科。
- He has a carbuncle on his neck, it feels extremely painful. 他的脖子上长了痈,痛苦极了。
- The paraffinum enema helps intestinal peristalsis. 早期石蜡油灌肠有利于肠蠕动恢复。
- The intestinal infection causes a loss of fluids. 这种肠道传染病会导致体内液体的缺乏。
- A job like that calls for a man with intestinal fortitude. 像那样的工作要一个有勇气的人去做。
- Intestinal bacteria also produce some vitamins needed by the body. 肠道细菌还制造人体需要的一些维生素。
- Intestinal suture is part of the story of abdominal surgery. 肠管缝合是腹部外科过程的一部分。
- A few other conditions are in high intestinal obstruction. 其它少数情况是高位肠梗阻。