- Exploration of The Surgical Method of Neonatal Congenital Low Intestinal Atresia. 新生儿先天性低位小肠闭锁手术方法的探讨。
- Objective To explore the clinical feature,treatment and prognosis of neonatal small intestinal atresia. 目的探讨新生儿小肠闭锁的临床特点、治疗及预后。
- Objective To investigate the role of interstitial cells of Cajal(ICCs) and synaptophysin(SY) in congenital intestinal atresia (IA). 目的探讨Cajal间质细胞(ICCs)及突触素(SY)在先天性小肠闭锁(IA)发病中的作用。
- We described a case occurring in perineal region associated with amniotic band syndrome, imperforate anus, and intestinal atresia. 我们提出一个发生在会阴部的病例,他同时合并了羊水带症候群、无肛症及肠道闭锁。
- Objective: To investigate the point of diagnosis and surgical treatment,and the key of improving the curative effect of congenital intestinal atresia. 目的:探讨先天性肠闭锁的诊断、手术治疗的要点及提高疗效的关键。
- Because intestinal obstruction is the primary manifestation, neonatal intussusception is initially indistinguishable from obstructions due to other reasons like intestinal atresia, congenital bands, necrotizing enterocolitis or midgut volvulus. 由于新生儿肠套叠以肠阻塞为最初的临床表徵,所以应该和其它肠阻塞例如肠闭锁、坏死性肠炎、肠扭结做区分。
- Duodenal and small intestinal atresia are congenital abnormalities rarely seen in pediatric surgery. It is one of the significant cause of newborn ileus, and is often associated with other anomalies. 十二指肠、小肠闭锁是小儿外科少见的先天性发育畸形,也是新生儿肠梗阻的重要病因之一,常合并其它发育异常。
- Intestinal malrotation associated with a short mesentery predisposes to midgut olulus as well as intestinal atresia: by the way of an increased peristaltism, olulus appears aboe the atresia. 肠旋转不良合并肠系膜过短由于蠕动增加而诱发中肠扭转和肠管闭锁,扭转出现在闭锁以上。
- Surgical treatment of congenital intestinal atresia 先天性小肠闭锁的外科手术治疗
- Objective :To investigate diagnoses and the operative methods the factors affected the prognosis of intestine atresia in neonate. 目的总结分析新生儿肠闭锁及梗阻的早期诊断及治疗方法和对预后的影响。
- Methods: Immunohistochemical analysis of NOS small bowel from fifteen patients with congenital intestinal atresia was compared with ten patients with normal intestine (the control group). 方法:应用免疫组化技术检测15例先天性小肠闭锁患儿肠壁内NOS表达情况,并以10例正常小肠标本作为对照。
- Congenital Intestinal Atresia and Nervous System Development 先天性肠闭锁与肠神经系统发育
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Small Intestinal Atresia in Neonates 新生儿小肠闭锁的诊断及治疗
- Clinical nursing for neonate with intestinal atresia 新生儿肠闭锁的临床分析及护理
- Anastomosis of bowel--for intestinal atresia or stenosis 肠吻合术-由小肠闭锁或狭窄引起
- A usually audible discharge of intestinal gas. 屁从肠内排出的(通常有声音的)气体
- Therapy Analysis of 84 Cases of Congenital Intestinal Atresia by EBA And RTA Technique 端斜式和改良裁剪式肠吻合术治疗先天性肠闭锁84例
- An Immunohistochemistry Study of Nitric Oxide Synthase Distribution in Congenital Intestinal Atresia 先天性小肠闭锁肠壁内一氧化氮合酶的分布
- Why is tricuspid atresia a concern? 为什么关注三尖瓣闭锁?
- Intestinal obstruction causing colic, vomiting, and constipation. 肠阻塞造成腹绞痛、呕吐和便秘的肠道堵塞