- With the progress in government by law in conjunction with the professionally adroit journalist, the interview right will see a bright future. 这是本文的一个创新点。
- Because the business netstation do not have independent journalistic interview right, it gets the content by free excerpting newspapering product in a long time. 由于商业网站无独立新闻采访权,长期靠无偿转载报业企业新闻信息产品支撑自己的内容建设。
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。
- Gale, is it your choice not to do TV or print interviews right now? I've been searching for interviews and/or articles on you. 你现在不拍电视或不出版采访,这是你的选择吗?我正在找你的采访或评论文章。
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服总是式样最新的。
- The legal relief consists in establishing legal procedures for inflicting the transgressor condign penalty according to the nature of the infringement on the interviewing right. 根据侵犯新闻采访权行为的性质,确认构成要件,确立司法救济程序,判令责任人承担相应的法律责任,以期对新闻采访权提供救济。
- You can't go to a job interview looking so scruffy! 你求职去面试不能这邋里邋遢的!
- They must have edited bits of the interview out. 他们一定是把这次采访的一部分删掉了。
- I'm very uneasy about the interview. 我对这次面试感到很不安。
- I stand out in a group interview. 在集体面试中脱颖而出。
- She managed to swing an interview with the Prince. 她设法采访了亲王。
- He's quite within his rights to demand an enquiry. 他完全有权要求进行调查。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- My job interview was a real marathon. 我那次求职面试简直是马拉松式的长谈。
- One line cuts another at right angles. 一条线与另一条线成直角相交。
- The interview overran by fifteen minutes. 那次采访超过规定时间十五分钟。
- The road to the village branches off on the right. 通往该村的道路向右转为一条小路。
- She was all hung-up before the interview. 面试之前,她十分紧张。
- He asked for an interview with the president. 他要求与校长会晤。
- Please let him alone; he is not in his right mind. 请不要打扰地,他精神不正常。