- When the domain of interval valued fuzzy sets is discrete, a method of linear interpolation about it is provided, making it become continuous. 区间值模糊集论域为离散时,将其线性插值为连续,然后给出论域为离散情况下的模糊推理方法。
- Assign a starting value and an interval value for renumbering. 为重新编号指定起始值和间隔值。
- You can assign a different start value and interval value to each tag format. 您可以为每个标记格式指定不同的起始值和间隔值。
- If you call it with an interval value of zero, the timer will deactivate. 如果你设置它的值为零,则定时器将不起作用。
- The coherent value relation of the three facies belts is CNCF
这三个相带的相干值的关系为:CNCF - If specified, value is interpreted as the required interval value, and can be a value from 10 to 28,800. 如果指定了value,则将其解释为所需的间隔值,可以是从10到28,800的一个值。
- You can call it either at the initial page request or during an AjaxCall to initiate it or change the interval value. 你也能在调用它的请求页面开始之前或在AjaxCall期间改变定时器的值。
- The history of human evolution is essentially the developmental history of value relation between mankind and environment. 因此,人类自身进化的历史,实际就是人与环境之价值关系不断发展的历史。
- interval valued intuition fuzzy set 区间值直观模糊集
- interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy Hv-subgroup 区间值直觉模糊超子群
- If the registry parameter already exists, to increase the maximum heartbeat interval value, right-click MaxClients, and then click Modify. 如果注册表参数已存在,若要增加最大检测信号间隔值,请右键单击MaxClients,然后单击修改。
- Interval Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set 区间值直觉模糊集
- Interval Valued Intuitionistie Fuzzy Set (IVIFS) 区间值直觉模糊集(IVIFS)
- From the immanent value relation between politics and ethics, the basic problems of the political ethics can he expressed as the research about the instrument legitimacy and the value rationality. 摘要从政治与伦理之间内在的价值关系看,政治伦理的基本问题一般表现为对政治伦理的工具正当性和价值合理性问题的探究;
- A method for constructing multiway decision tree based on quantized feature values (such as interval values, discrete values and symbolic values) is proposed. 本文提出一种基于特征量化值(区间值,离散值或符号值)的多元分类树的构造方法。
- Using differential method,the independent character of three common interface value relation is eiscussed in electromegnetic field,and the physical essence of new conclusion is introduced. 关于定态电磁场边值关系的独立性问题,一般教科书上只给了结论,没有进行数学推导,个别教科书上只就两种绝缘介质的分界面用积分的形式进行了推导,本文拟用微分形式将三种常见的分界面的边值关系的独立性问题进行讨论,并阐述所得结果的物理根源。
- The wage unit is another way to solve the aggregation problem, but the aggregation by this way represents the value relation in the money economy system rather than the gross of actual goods. 但由此得到的经济总量并非实物的加总,而是体现了货币经济体制下的价值关系。
- Marvin Bell is greatly valued as a good poet. 马文·贝尔被尊为一位优秀的诗人。
- The equivalent properties of transforms of L-IFS to Z-fuzzy sets (FS), interval value IFS to L-FS, interval value (IV) FS to IFS, and IFS to IV IFS are proved by means of D-K operators. 证明了L-IFS到L-模糊集,区间值IFS到L-模糊集,区间值模糊集到IFS,IFS到区间值IFS之间变换的等价性。
- This value relates to the percentage of disk space that System Restore uses for its data store. 此值与“系统还原”用于其数据存储的磁盘空间百分比相关。