- interval valued extensions 区间值扩展
- When the domain of interval valued fuzzy sets is discrete, a method of linear interpolation about it is provided, making it become continuous. 区间值模糊集论域为离散时,将其线性插值为连续,然后给出论域为离散情况下的模糊推理方法。
- Assign a starting value and an interval value for renumbering. 为重新编号指定起始值和间隔值。
- You can assign a different start value and interval value to each tag format. 您可以为每个标记格式指定不同的起始值和间隔值。
- If you call it with an interval value of zero, the timer will deactivate. 如果你设置它的值为零,则定时器将不起作用。
- If specified, value is interpreted as the required interval value, and can be a value from 10 to 28,800. 如果指定了value,则将其解释为所需的间隔值,可以是从10到28,800的一个值。
- You can call it either at the initial page request or during an AjaxCall to initiate it or change the interval value. 你也能在调用它的请求页面开始之前或在AjaxCall期间改变定时器的值。
- interval valued intuition fuzzy set 区间值直观模糊集
- If the registry parameter already exists, to increase the maximum heartbeat interval value, right-click MaxClients, and then click Modify. 如果注册表参数已存在,若要增加最大检测信号间隔值,请右键单击MaxClients,然后单击修改。
- interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy Hv-subgroup 区间值直觉模糊超子群
- Interval Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set 区间值直觉模糊集
- Interval Valued Intuitionistie Fuzzy Set (IVIFS) 区间值直觉模糊集(IVIFS)
- A method for constructing multiway decision tree based on quantized feature values (such as interval values, discrete values and symbolic values) is proposed. 本文提出一种基于特征量化值(区间值,离散值或符号值)的多元分类树的构造方法。
- Marvin Bell is greatly valued as a good poet. 马文·贝尔被尊为一位优秀的诗人。
- Latecomers will not be admitted until the interval. 迟到者在休息时间方可入场。
- There are telephone extensions in every office. 每间办公室都有电话分机。
- A brief, indefinite interval of time. 瞬间一个短暂的、不确定的时间间隔
- Should Disney be considered shrewd as Micky Mouse in respect of the value extension, it looks all the more aggressive as the Lion King in terms of IPR protection. 如果说在价值链延伸方面,迪士尼展露的是米老鼠的精明,在知识产权保护方面,迪士尼更多的是狮子王的霸气。
- The equivalent properties of transforms of L-IFS to Z-fuzzy sets (FS), interval value IFS to L-FS, interval value (IV) FS to IFS, and IFS to IV IFS are proved by means of D-K operators. 证明了L-IFS到L-模糊集,区间值IFS到L-模糊集,区间值模糊集到IFS,IFS到区间值IFS之间变换的等价性。
- single valued extension property 单值扩张性