- nonlinear interval number programming 非线性区间数规划
- interval number programming 区间数规划
- Proprieties of interval number complementary judgment matrix have been studied. 摘要研究了区间数互补判断矩阵的性质问题。
- interval number linear programming 区间数线性规划
- Firstly, the concepts of interval number, ordinal number, ordinal interval and linguistic assessment information are introduced. 首先描述了区间数、序值、序区间和语言评价等多种信息形式及相关概念;
- The interval number is adopted in single factor evaluation weight,synthetic evaluation weight,every index score and evaluation grade to make evaluation more conform to practice. 对于单因素权重、综合评价权重、各指标评分和评价集中评价等级水平均采用区间数,以使评价更符合客观实际。
- At the same time, it also puts forward a simple algorithm that can judge whether an interval number complementary has the propriety of satisfied transitivity. 同时给出了区间数互补判断矩阵满意一致性的一个简单的判断方法与算法。
- The definition and testing method for consistency of interval number complementary judgment matrix are addressed from the discussion of complete consistency. 通过对完全一致性的演绎给出了区间数互补判断矩阵的一致性定义、性质及其判别方法;
- Firstly, concepts on the interval number, interval numbers decision matrix of experts and a method of nomalizing the decision matrix are introduced. 首先,给出了有关区间数、专家群体判断区间数决策矩阵的定义及其决策矩阵的规范化方法。
- A New Solution for Interval Number Linear Programming 区间数线性规划的一种新解法
- This method deals with three parameters interval number attribute weights by CP-OWA operator and aggregates three parameters interval number attribute values by WCP-OWA operator or WCP-OWG operator. 基于这些算子,提出了一种属性权重和属性值均以三参数区间数形式给出的不确定多属性决策方法,该方法利用CP-OWA算子对三参数区间数属性权重进行处理,利用WCP-OWA算子或WCP-OWG算子对三参数区间数属性值进行集成。
- It is reasonable that the interval number is utilized to describe the characteristic of things, and the fuzzy theory has its unique superiority in research and solution fuzziness question aspect. 摘要用区间数表征事物特征更符合科学的严谨性,模糊理论在研究和解决模糊性问题方面有其独特的优势。
- With respect to the synthetic appraisal value of alternatives,two rank ing methods for interval numbers are proposed. 然后针对决策方案的综合评价值,提出了关于区间数的两种排序方法;
- By representing the uncertain parameters as interval numbers, the governed equa tio ns of the structural system are obtained by means of the finite element method. 将结构系统中的不确定性参数用区间数来表示,用有限元法建立系统的控制方程。
- To advocate smoke-free worksite, GE emphasize “zero smoking” in Health by Numbers Program to encourage employees to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which was resonated with employees' warm response. 为了推广“无烟工作场所”,GE在“健康数字”项目中还特别强调了“0吸烟量”的概念,让员工在戒烟的同时保持健康的生活习惯,而这个举措也得到了员工的积极响应。
- The present article introduces a renovated safety management assessment model for enterprise setting-up based on the study of interval numbers. 施工企业安全评价是一种多指标综合决策行为,评价指标值具有模糊性,可以利用区间数进行量化。
- At last, the method was illustrated by multiattribute decision problems whose evaluations of alternatives were expressed by interval numbers. 最后,把属性值为区间数的多属性决策问题作为风险型多属性决策问题的特例,给出了算例。
- Xu Z S,Da Q L.Possibility degree method for ranking interval numbers and its application[J].Journal of Systems Engineering,2003,18(1):67-70. [18]徐泽水;达庆利.;区间数排序的可能度法及其应用[J]
- With respect to the problem of assessment level of experts based on interval numbers decision matrices, an analytic method is proposed. 摘要针对群决策中基于区间数决策矩阵形式偏好信息的评判专家水平问题,提出了一种分析方法。