- an interval between two campaigns 战役之间的间隙
- interval between two campaigns 战役之间的间隙
- The interval between two such tones. 四度音程两音调之间的间歇
- The interval between two acts of a theatrical performance. 幕间休息在戏剧、歌剧两幕之间的短暂休息
- How long is the interval between two successive attacks? 每次发作相隔多久?
- The minimum time interval between two events of the same type. 相同类型的两个事件之间的最小时间间隔。
- There is a two-minute interval between two periods for changing ends. 每两节之间有两分钟的间歇供队员交换场地。
- Gets or sets the minimum interval between two events of the same type. 获取或设置两个相同类型事件之间的最小间隔。
- Gets or sets the minimum time interval between two events of the same type. 获取或设置两个相同类型事件之间的最小时间间隔。
- A harmonic interval is the interval between two notes sounded simultaneously. 同时发声的两个音之间的音程为和声音程。
- The tropical year is the interval between two transits of the mean Sun through the mean Equinox. 回归年是平太阳两次通过平春分点的时间间隔。
- The time interval between two successive occurrences of a recurrent event or phases of an event;a cycle. 周期两个连续出现或反复出现的现象或事件间的时间间隔;周期循环
- The other scaling function defines the interval between two adjacent grid points. By default the distance is 1. 另一个缩放函数缩放的是两个邻接的点。默认值得话这个值是1。
- In periodic systems, the time interval between two corresponding points on successive cycles. 周期系统中,在相继两循环中两个对应点之间的时间间隔。参阅frequency。
- The time interval between two successive occurrences of a recurrent event or phases of an event; a cycle. 周期两个连续出现或反复出现的现象或事件间的时间间隔;周期循环
- In his special theory of relativity, Einstein proposed that the measured interval between two events depends on how the observer is moving. 在其狭义相对论中,爱因斯坦倡议,我们测到的两个事件的时间间隔,会取决于观察者如何运动。
- The amount of each batch of principal repatriation should not exceed 20% of the total principals,and the interval between two repatriations should not be shorter than one month. 每次汇出本金的金额不得超过本金总额的百分之二十,相邻两次汇出的时间间隔不得少于一个月。
- At most seaside places there are two tides a day,the average time interval between two successive high waters being twelve hours and twenty-five minutes. 大多数海滨每天均有两次潮汐,两次高潮间的平均间隔为十二小时二十五分钟。
- The amount of each batch of principal repatriation should not exceed 20% of the total principals, and the interval between two repatriations should not be shorter than one month. 每次汇出本金的金额不得超过本金总额的百分之二十,相邻两次汇出的时间间隔不得少于一个月。
- The interval between the upgoing tube and downgoing tube in Wutongshan tunnel is less than the limitation between two tubes given in design specification . 梧桐山隧道上、下行线间距的确定突破了设计规范关于两座平行隧道及小线间距的规定。