- The necessity result of "one nation, two system" engenders interregional conflict of laws of China. 摘要中国区际法律冲突的产生,是“一国两制”的必然结果。
- The phenomenon of parallel proceedings often happens in interregional conflict of laws in China. “一事两诉”问题在中国的区际法律冲突中经常发生。
- The feasible way for its settlement is by law of interregional conflict of laws. 中国内地、香港、澳门之间区际继承关系法律冲突明显,其可行的解决方法就是采用区际冲突法的方法。
- Renvoi is conducive to realizing the value of the conflict laws and to settling the special cross-strait interregional conflicts of law. 反致有利于实现冲突法的价值取向,有利于解决海峡两岸特殊的区际法律冲突,祖国大陆应借鉴他人的立法经验,明确接受并建立自己科学、合理的反致制度。
- Game Theo ry and Interregional Conflict of Laws in China 博弈论与中国区际法律冲突
- European Union Unifies the Private international Law Movement to Model to Solve our Interregional Conflict of Laws 欧盟统一国际私法运动对解决我国区际法律冲突之借鉴
- On Several Problems of Interregional Conflict of Laws in China--Contrasting with Interstate Conflic 论中国区际法律冲突的几个问题--与美国州际法律冲突之比较
- Undoubtly, all of these would speed up the settlement about these interregional conflict of IPR Law in China. 因此,如何在一法域内保护其他法域的知识产权是急需解决的问题。
- interregional conflict of laws 区际冲突
- To Harmonize Interregional Conflicts of Law in China by Constitution 论我国区际法律冲突的宪法协调
- A Study of the Chinese Interregional Conflicts of Law after the Hand-over of Macao 澳门回归后我国区际法律冲突问题研究
- Dicey &Morris: The Conflict of Laws, vol.1. 12th edn. p506-511. 徐卉:中国社会科学院法学研究所副研究员,法学博士。
- G.Melrose Bigelows. Joseph Story Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws [M],1883. 肖永平.;冲突法专论[M]
- interregional conflicts of law 区际法律冲突
- Since the mainland, Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan enjoy independent and equal legal status in a long period, China is inevitably confronted with more and more interregional conflicts of criminal laws. 摘要由于大陆、香港、澳门、台湾四个法域在法律地位上各自独立、平等,且长期并存,中国不可避免地将遇到越来越多的区际刑事法律冲突问题。
- The conflicts between minority marriage custon and national marriage law have the attribute of law conflict of interregional, analyzing from the space where law conflict exists. 摘要从法律冲突存在的空间上分析,少数民族婚姻习惯法与国家制定的婚姻法之间的冲突,具有区际法律冲突的属性;
- Eugene F. Scoles, Peter Hay, Conflict of Laws,2 nd edition, West Group1992, p.35. [[33]] [美]多佐:《法律的成长法律科学的悖论》,董炯、冰译,中国法治出版设2002年10月版,第115页。
- He currently teaches Family Law, Jurisprudence, Medicine Ethics and Law and Conflict of Laws. 现时,他教授的科目包括家庭法、法律学、医学道德与法律、以及各种法律的抵触。
- American Law Institute, Restatement of the Law of Conflict of Laws, Second, 1971, Volumel, P556-557. 莫里斯.;戴西和莫里斯论冲突法
- M. Reimann, Conflict of Laws in Western Europe, Transnational Publishers, 1995, pp12-17. 郭剑寒,现在吉林大学从事国际法学(主要是国际商法)和知识产权的研究工作。