- A conclusion is drawn that the system of reservation of public order ought to be applied to Chinas interregional conflict law, and such application needs limit, i.e."limited application". 根据分析,笔者得出结论,我国区际冲突法中既要适用公共秩序保留制度,又要来用多种措施来限制其适用,即“有限适用”。
- Renvoi is conducive to realizing the value of the conflict laws and to settling the special cross-strait interregional conflicts of law. 反致有利于实现冲突法的价值取向,有利于解决海峡两岸特殊的区际法律冲突,祖国大陆应借鉴他人的立法经验,明确接受并建立自己科学、合理的反致制度。
- The Preservation of Public Order Act in Interregional Conflicts Law 区际冲突法中的公共秩序保留
- interregional conflict law 区际冲突法
- Undoubtly, all of these would speed up the settlement about these interregional conflict of IPR Law in China. 因此,如何在一法域内保护其他法域的知识产权是急需解决的问题。
- The feasible way for its settlement is by law of interregional conflict of laws. 中国内地、香港、澳门之间区际继承关系法律冲突明显,其可行的解决方法就是采用区际冲突法的方法。
- The necessity result of "one nation, two system" engenders interregional conflict of laws of China. 摘要中国区际法律冲突的产生,是“一国两制”的必然结果。
- The phenomenon of parallel proceedings often happens in interregional conflict of laws in China. “一事两诉”问题在中国的区际法律冲突中经常发生。
- Game Theo ry and Interregional Conflict of Laws in China 博弈论与中国区际法律冲突
- Counsel must be well-informed about the substantive and conflicts law of the forum selected. 律师务必对所选定的法院的实体法和冲突法了若指掌。
- Many countries have legislated conflict laws to resolve this problem, and international entity legislation is a new attempt on it now. 各国为了解决两大票据法系在这个问题上的法律冲突已经制定了许多国内冲突规范,并且进行了统一实体立法的尝试。
- "The Closest Ties"Legal Status in the Conflict Law "最密切联系"在冲突法中的法律地位
- Since the mainland, Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan enjoy independent and equal legal status in a long period, China is inevitably confronted with more and more interregional conflicts of criminal laws. 摘要由于大陆、香港、澳门、台湾四个法域在法律地位上各自独立、平等,且长期并存,中国不可避免地将遇到越来越多的区际刑事法律冲突问题。
- The reservation of public order(hereinafter "RPO" ), originating from the application of conflict rules, is one of the oldest principles in conflict laws. 公共秩序保留是在冲突规范适用过程中产生的一个问题,也是冲突法上最古老的原则之一。
- Story introduced the International Comity Doctrine of Huber with the guide of his jurisprudence of natural law, and established the basis of American conflicts law. 斯托雷以其自然法理论为指引引进了胡伯的国际礼让说,奠定了美国冲突法的发展根基。
- Therefore, researching on trend of convergence of American and European conflicts caw is beneficial to us to comprehend the basic direction of future conflicts law in world. 因而对欧美冲突法趋同化问题进行研究,有利于我们把握世界未来冲突法的基本方向。
- European Union Unifies the Private international Law Movement to Model to Solve our Interregional Conflict of Laws 欧盟统一国际私法运动对解决我国区际法律冲突之借鉴
- Brainerd Currie's governmental-interest theory was basically a nihilist view of conflicts law in the traditional sense: "we would be better off without choice-of-law rules. 从传统意义上看,柯里的“政府利益分析说”对冲突法持的基本上是一种虚无主义的观点。
- The two versions of this poem conflict. 这首诗的两个版本相互矛盾。
- The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved. 法律规定,这些古老的建筑应该保存。