- internode collocation 节间配置
- Collocation uses all sorts of adornment data. 搭配使用各种装饰材料。
- Is the Former Soviet Union a Need for Collocation? "前苏联"是搭配用语的需要吗?
- Stems almost procumbent, internode shorter than leaf blade. 几乎平卧的茎,节间短于叶片。
- Focus collocation of common words of essential English II. 基础英语常用词搭配要点2。
- Neuter and tonal ash, white, black can with any tonal collocation. 中性色调的灰、白、黑可以与任何色调搭配。
- Next, should pay attention to colorific reasonable collocation. 其次,要讲究色彩的合理搭配。
- Since 出售 is disyllabic, its syllabic collocation is different. “出售”是双音节词,因此在音节搭配上也有特殊性。
- Collocation methods.Biharmonic equations -- Numerical solutions. 叙词: Boundary value problems -- Numerical solutions.
- Green or brown flexible petiole, variable internode length. Large trailer. 绿色或咖啡色的柔软叶柄,节间距离易变。大的悬垂型。
- Internode is one of several ISPs that is expanding their ADSL2+ coverage. 一间是几个互联网服务供应商,这是扩大其ADSL2 +的覆盖面。
- This is formed by the swollen lowest rachilla internode and adnate lower glume. 膨胀的最低的小穗轴节间和贴生的更低的颖片形成这。
- Advanced students need to be aware of the importance of collocation. 层次较高的学生必须意识到词语搭配的重要性。
- Mahjong chocolate: China's most attempting game of collocation and combination. 麻将巧克力:中国最具吸引力的排列组合游戏。
- The wonderful collocation of shade head and shade body, massiness and easy. 帘头与帘身的出色搭配,厚重而又大方。
- Mahjong chocolate:China's most attempting game of collocation and combination. 麻将巧克力:中国最具吸引力的排列组合游戏。
- Adventitious buds regeneration from etiolated internode segment of apple cultivar Nagafu No. 富士苹果黄化茎段再生不定芽的研究。
- The characteristics of vascular bundle in the first internode and grain-filling of heavy panicle hybrid rice (HPHR) were studied. 摘要对重穗型杂交稻穗颈节间维管束特徵及其籽粒充实进行了研究。
- The development and formation of above-ground organs in wheat plant were simulated systematically and comprehensively, including leaf blade, internode and tiller. 对小麦植株地上部器官形成过程进行了较为系统、全面的模拟研究,建立了包括叶片、节间和分蘖的解释性动态模型。
- SES of hybrids with stem-lodging resistance should be above 0.22kg, pulling force 1.75kg, internode diameter 1.5cm. 抗茎倒材料的茎秆支持力应在0.;22kg以上,最大拉折力和茎粗不低于1