- We want [need] a peaceful international environment. 我们需要一个和平的国际环境。
- Therefore, we cherish the hope for a peaceful international environment. 所以我们希望有一个和平的国际环境。
- And a peaceful international environment is necessary for China's development. 中国的发展需要一个和平的国际环境。
- Therefore,we cherish the hope for a peaceful international environment. 所以我们希望有一个和平的国际环境。
- We must create a secure and reliable international environment of lasting peace and stability. 我们要创造安全可靠、长期稳定的国际和平环境。
- We need a peaceful international environment to ensure our development and the attainment of our great goal. 为了使中国发展起来,实现我们的宏伟目标,需要一个和平的国际环境。
- We should strive for a peaceful international environment and overcome all domestic obstacles. 我们在国际上要争取和平的环境,在国内要排除一切干扰。
- And as far as China is concerned,in our international environment,we still face more opportunities than challenges. 就中国而言,我们面临的国际环境仍然是机遇大于挑战。
- We need a prolonged peaceful international environment and a sound peripheral environment. We firmly oppose hegemonism and power politics. 我们需要一个长期的和平国际环境和良好的周边环境,坚决反对霸权主义和强权政治。
- The Chinese government has also worked hard in helping to build up an international environment wherein intellectual property rights in integrated circuits are protected. 中国政府积极促进建立集成电路国际保护的环境。
- How to make a sound understanding of the impacts of the present international environment and world politics conflicts? 如何正确认识当今国际环境和国际政治斗争带来的影响?
- As it engages in modernization, China needs a peaceful international environment. 中国进行现代化建设,需要和平的国际环境。
- Better policies are especially needed because the international environment is fraught with uncertainty. 特别是需要更好的政策,这是因为国际环境充满着捉摸不定的因素。
- Shuter passed the Swiss SGS ISO9001 International Quality Certification System and ISO14001 International Environment Certification System in 2002. 企业在2002年通过瑞士SGS的ISO9001国际质量认证体系、ISO14001国际环境认证体系。
- The construction and development of any country requires a peaceful and stable domestic and international environment. 任何一个国家的建设和发展,都需要一个和平稳定的国际国内环境。
- SMEs how to adapt to the increasingly international environment and maintain its strong advantage. 中小型企业如何适应越来越国际化的环境,并保持它强烈的优势。
- China is engaged wholeheartedly in its modernization drive. A peaceful international environment and a favorable surrounding environment serve China's fundamental interests. 中国正在一心一意地进行现代化建设,一个和平的国际环境和良好的周边环境符合中国的根本利益。
- While conducting our modernization programme in the present international environment,we cannot help recalling Comrade Mao's contributions. 我们能在今天的国际环境中着手进行四个现代化建设,不能不铭记毛泽东同志的功绩。
- The conditions necessary for China to reach its development goal are a stable domestic environment and a peaceful international environment. 中国要实现自己的发展目标,必不可少的条件是安定的国内环境与和平的国际环境。