- This dictionary will enable better international understanding. 这本词典将进一步促进国际间的了解。
- At last, talking about enhancement of international understanding. 最后谈到增进国际了解
- During the past year, it is clear that broadening our international understanding is critical. 在过去的一年事实证明,扩展我们国际了解是件重要的事情。
- International understanding has and will continue to benefit through the Fellowship. 已具备的国际化的认知将持续为联合会带来好处。
- Premier Wen Jiabao yesterday appealed for international understanding over the mainland's Sars crisis. 温总理昨日恳求国际社会谅解内地面对非典型肺炎的艰难情况。
- They aim at promotion of international understanding and mainte-nance of world peace. 他们的目的是促进国际间的了解和维护世界和平。
- When they enter the work force, they act as ambassadors for Canada and help increase international understanding and cooperation. 当他们开始工作后,可以担当一个加拿大的形象大使去帮助加强国际合作。
- People to People International is a nonpolitical, private-sector organization dedicated to promoting international understanding. 人民大使国际组织(PeopletoPeopleInternational,PTPI)是一个国际性的非营利私人部门组织,其旨在促进国际间的相互了解。
- We believe that the univresal copyright system will faclitate a wider dissemination of works of the human mind and increase international understanding. 相信这种世界版权保护制度将促进人类精神产品更加广泛的传播,将增进国际了解。
- In 1991 she was awarded the Nobel peace prize and India's prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru award for international understanding was given the following year. 在1991年,她获得诺贝尔奖金,并且在接下来的一年因为坚持国际理解而获得印度著名的尼赫鲁奖金。
- Effective action requires a global policy response, guided by a common international understanding of the long-term goals for climate policy and strong frameworks for co-operation. 采取有效行动需要全球性的决策响应,这是建立在各国对气候问题政策确定的长期目标和稳固合作框架的共识基础之上的。
- By providing an international forum for like-minded bodies, we hope that the Newsletter will further enhance international understanding and co-operation in fighting the increasingly trans-national crime of corruption. 希望通过设立这个国际园地,相类机关彼此加深认识,同心协力,打击跨国贪污罪行,亦同时增进公众对贪污祸害的认识,提高警剔,防患于未然。
- These high quality searchable JPEG format scans are freely available through EOL and provide users with an important resource that will facilitate better international understanding of biodiversity. 这些高画质、可搜寻的JPEG扫描图档经由生命大百科平台免费提供给使用者,增进对国际社群对生物多样性资讯的瞭解。
- Rotary Fellowships unite Rotarians worldwide in friendship and service, the exchange of ideas, and the pursuit of international understanding based on common interests or vocations. 扶轮联谊结合全世界扶轮社员在友谊及服务中,来交换彼此意见,以及以共同的兴趣和职业为基础,来达到促进国际间瞭解。
- The kidnapping caused an international incident. 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。
- The country violated the international agreement. 这个国家违反了国际协议。
- That is a great international question of the day. 那是当代的一个重大国际问题。
- The cast of the play included a international star. 这个剧的演员名单中有一位国际明星。
- The company is an international trader in grain. 这家公司是国际粮食贸易公司。
- Best Film Promoting International Understanding 最佳促进国际了解电影