- international phonetic sign 国际音标
- International Phonetic Association. 国际语音学协会
- How to display international phonetic alphabet in UCDOS. 如何在UCDOS下显示国际音标
- The teacher transliterated the English words with the international phonetic symbols. 老师把这些英语单词译写成国际音标。
- The norm for teaching British English, "received pronunciation" is given clearly in the symbols of the International Phonetic Association. 按照教授地道英语的标准,“标准的发音”均采用国际语音协会统一的符号清楚地标出。
- Including the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), standard symbols and alphabet of variant nations. Please use the IPA of this font for submission to our journal. 包括国际音标、标准符号和多国文字。本刊国际音标请使用此字体。
- A mastery of the International Phonetic Alphabet is the basis for learning English. 掌握标准的国际音标,是学好英语的基础。
- Words and phrases which are not followed by the international phonetic symbols but have the “” marks are Chinese romanization (Mandarin). 每个词、词组和短语后面注有国际音标,未注国际音标,且有“”,引号者则为汉语拼音。
- Do you guys know how to read IPA( International Phonetic Alphabet) transcriptions? I just posted some on my website, but I don't know if people studying English know IPA. 你们会看懂国际音标吗?我的博客上有一个帖子用国际音标,但是我不知道学英语的是否能看懂。
- Do you guys know how to read IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) transcriptions? I just posted some on my website, but I do not know if people studying English know IPA. 你们会看懂国际音标吗?我的博客上有一个帖子用国际音标,但是我不知道学英语的是否能看懂。
- Students will be exposed to the phonetic symbols based on the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and be taught to associate the sounds with the symbols. 报读此课程的学生将学习一套根据国际音标(IPA)所编定的发音符号,老师也将对个别符号及其发音做进一步的解释。
- F).The IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) has been revised and corrected several times and is now widely used in dictionaries and textbooks throughout the world. 国际音标历经数次修改和更正,现在已经被全世界的词典和教科书所广泛采用。
- It is of great significance to make clear of the source-indicating function of the phonetic signs in pictophonetic characters for the reunification of the system of same source. 弄清形声字声符的示源功能对汉字同源系统的整理具有重要的意义。
- The paper discusses the issues related to International Phonetic Alphabet( IPA) as following:1) Initiative vs. passive vocal organs;2) Post-alveolar and retroflex;3) Palatal and velar;4) Pronunciation method. 本文谈几个与国际音标的辅音有关的问题:壹、动发音部位和主动发音部位;贰、后音和卷舌音;叁、腭音和软腭音;肆、于发音方法。
- Press to standardize on the international phonetic alphabet of the English alphabet acanadian contorlled revealed that the English alphabet e, f, G, l, N, v, w of IPA pronunciation errors. 记者以规范英语字母表上的国际音标与之对照发现,该英语本字母表中的E、F、G、L、N、V、W的国际音标注音出现错误。
- Mr LAU said, her baby when you're learning is learning English, the international phonetic alphabet, wrong and correct so many alphabet, with thousands of English-based community, do. 刘女士说,她的小孩初学英语,正在学国际音标,错讹如此之多的字母表,随成千上万个英语本流入社会,误人子弟。
- At the same time, in his view, the international phonetic alphabet for English this alphabet Bopomofo error, should the Commerce, industry or Education Department is responsible for processing. 同时,他认为,英语本字母表的国际音标注音错误,应由工商或教育部门负责处理。
- the International Phonetic Alphabet 国际音标
- The International Phonetic Association 国际语音协会
- Application of International Phonetic Alphabet 国际音标的应用