- I'm going to visit the Shanghai international Convention Center. 我打算参观上海国际会议中心.
- Investigation into international convention for Soil. 缔结国际土壤保护公约的调研。
- Any country who fails to conform to international convention will be condemned. 任何不遵守国际公约的国家都应受到谴责。
- Shanghai International Convention Center is home to many important meetings. 上海国际会议中心已举办了许多重要会议。
- The global winner is honored at the annual Rotary International Convention. 全球优胜者是在国际扶轮年会中来表扬。
- ISM code is under the International Convention of Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). ISM规则由"海上生命安全国际会议(SOLAS)"制定。
- Beijing International Convention Center Please take me to the Beijing International Convention Center. Thank you! 请送我到北京国际会议中心。谢谢!
- Please take me to Beijing International Convention Center (Northwest of An Hui Qiao Overpass). Thanks. 请送我去北京国际会议中心(亚运村安慧桥西北角)。谢谢!
- Li Ming: Oh, that is the newly-built Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center. 哦,那是新建的南宁国际会展中心。
- "International convention" means an international agreement concluded among States in written form and governed by international. “国际公约”是指各国之间用书面签订并受国际法制约的国际协定。
- While governor, Andy received the Calgary Challenge Award for membership growth at the International Convention. 于总监任内,安迪于扶轮国际年会上荣获社员成长卡加利挑战奖。
- The representative office of CLNG is located at Ming Wah International Convention Centre in Nanshan, Shenzhen. 代表处设立在深圳市南山区明华国际会议中心。
- Samuel M. Witten. The International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, 92 AJIL 774(1998). 中国代表关于反对国际恐怖主义措施议题决议所作的解释性发言(1996年11月29日)[J].;中国国际法年刊;1996;562
- Address: C12F, Ming Wah International Convention Centre, 8 Gui Shan Road, Shekou, Shenzhen, P. R. C. 地址:深圳市南山区蛇口龟山路明华国际会议中心C12楼整层(未经预约,请勿来访)
- "ISM code is under the International Convention of Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). "ISM规则由""海上生命安全国际会议(SOLAS)""制定。
- Nonfeasance WTO member, also should go according to general international convention thing. 不作为世贸组织成员,也要按照一般国际惯例行事。
- More and more international conventions are held in China. 越来越多的国际会议在中国举行。
- These Rules shall not affect the provisions of any international Convention or national law governing liability for nuclear damage. 本规则不影响任何管辖核损害的法律责任的国际公约及内国法律的规定。
- From Pazhou, Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center Station only 10 minutes, to the new Baiyun Airport 25 minutes. 距琶洲国际会展中心及广州火车站仅10分钟车程,到新白云机场25分钟车程。