- To consolidate and strengthen co-operation in multilateral fora on issues of mutual and international concern. 二、巩固和加强两国在多边机制内就双方和国际关注的问题开展的合作。
- Its sole function would be to heat up international concern and pressure for negotiation. 它的唯一作用就是激起国际上的关切和施加压力以促成谈判。
- It includes all diseases and health events that may constitute a public health emergency of international concern. 它包括可构成国际关注的突发公共卫生事件的所有疾病和卫生事件。
- China has been subject to growing international concern about the safety of its own food and drug exports. 中国对外出口的食品和药物目前正因安全问题而受到越来越多的国际关注。
- Quezon Province received greater international concern than did the previously mentioned regions. 另一灾区奎松省Quezon,是比较受到国际关切的地区。
- The World Health Organisation in Geneva declared “a public health emergency of international concern”. 日内瓦世界卫生组织宣布其为“世界关注的卫生紧急事件”。
- The MV Faina's cargo, which includes grenade launchers and 33 Russian-made tanks, had provoked international concern. 这艘货船的装载物已经引起国际广泛关注:包括榴弹发射装载以及33辆俄制坦克。
- With the rapid development of the information economy, the problem of digital divide has emerged and has become a subject of international concern. 随著资讯经济的高速发展,数码隔阂的问题渐渐浮现,并引起世界关注。
- China's space capability aroused international concern in January when it destroyed one of its ageing satellites by launching a missile from earth. 中国于今年一月发射一枚路基导弹摧毁了其一颗老化的气象卫星。中国的太空能力引起了美国及其附属国的焦虑。
- There has been widespread international concern at the clashes, which some analysts say are the most serious in China since Tiananmen Square in 1989. 这次冲突引发了国际广泛关注,许多分析家认为是自1989年天安门事件以来最严重的一起事件。
- The World Health Organization says a new swine flu strain in Mexico and the United States is "a public health emergency of international concern. 世界卫生组织表示在墨西哥和美国出现的新型猪流感爆发应该引起世界各国公共卫生部门紧急关注。
- The new reporting procedures are aimed at expediting the flow of timely and accurate information to WHO about potential public health emergencies of international concern. 新的报告程序旨在使关于潜在国际关注的突发公共卫生事件的及时而确切的信息尽快地送达世卫组织。
- During a public health emergency of international concern, however, application of time-limited measures affecting international travel and trade may be recommended. 但是,在发生国际关注的突发公共卫生事件期间,有可能建议采取有一定时间限制、影响国际旅行和贸易的措施。
- If this offer is refused, WHO can alert the world to an emergency of international concern using information other than official government notifications. 如果这一要求遭拒绝,世卫组织可使用政府官方通知之外的信息,提醒世界注意具有国际重要性的紧急情况。
- "By attending the international documentary festival, we hope the poaching of these precious creatures will become an international concern," Cega said. 说:“通过参加这种国际性的记录片电影节,我们希望抵制珍惜动物的猎杀成为一种国际共识。
- Although a final decision has not been announced by the authorities, any move to permanently close China Development Brief is likely to stir up international concern. 尽管官方还没有宣布对发展见报的最终处理决定,但是任何企图永久关闭简报的行为均有可能引起国际社会的关注。
- Like everyone else, you surely have issues about which you care deeply. They may include national or international concerns such as gun control, protection of the environment, or the threat of cyberterrorism. 像其他人一样; 你一定有你最为关注的问题.;这些问题可能包括国家或国际社会如何处理诸如枪支管制、环境保护或网路恐怖主义威胁等问题
- The order from the State Council, or cabinet, comes amid international concern about the safety of Chinese food products, following the deaths of US cats and dogs that ate pet food made with contaminated wheat gluten and rice protein imported from China. 中国国务院发出这一要求之时,国际上正对中国食品安全感到担忧,此前美国猫狗出现中毒死亡情况,因为其宠物食品中添加了从中国进口的麦麸和大米蛋白。
- International concern over exports of contaminated Chinese ingredients used in pet food and toothpaste has spurred Beijing to publish its first five-year plan for improving food and drug safety. 中国受到污染的宠物食品原料和牙膏出口国外,引起了国际社会的担心,促使中国政府公布了首个提高食品药品安全的五年规划。