- Providing expertise service of ECP and gas to customers in compliance to safety, environmental regulations and internal rules (IMS). 为客户提供与电子电路板生产相关的气体应用技术服务并遵从安全、环保及相关的公司规定。
- Providing expertise service of food and gas to customers in compliance to Safety, Environmental regulations and internal rules (IMS). 为客户提供与食品相关的气体技术服务并遵从安全、环保及相关的公司规定。
- Tourist culturology is a science that studies the cultural phenomena and the internal rules of tourist activities. 旅游文化学是研究旅游活动中的文化现象及其内在规律的科学。
- All matches will be playded to current international rules. 各场比赛按现行国际规则进行。
- Providing expertise service of glass and gas to customers in compliance to Safety, Environmental regulations and internal rules (IMS). 为客户提供与玻璃相关的气体应用技术服务并遵从安全、环保及相关的公司规定。
- All matches will is playded to current international rules. 各场比赛按现行国际规则进行。
- Providing expertise service of optoelectronic and gas to customers in compliance to safety, environmental regulations and internal rules (IMS). 为客户提供与光伏电子相关的气体应用技术服务并遵从安全、环保及相关的公司规定。
- "Autonomous" means that each member reacts individually according to internal rules and the state of its local environment. “自治”意味着每个成员根据内部规则以及局部环境状况而各自做出反应。
- The international rules of war are apt to be waived when the balloon goes up. 仗一打起来,国际战争规则就容易被放弃。
- According to international rules,what are the sizes of the target faces? 根据国际比赛规则,靶边规格是什么?
- His comments came as a United Nations-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal continues to flounder amid allegations of graft and infighting over the trials' internal rules. 联合国支持的赤色高棉审判法庭,持续在贪污指控与审判规定争论不休中挣扎之际,韩森做出了评论。
- Will International Rules on Subsidies Disrupt the World Trading System? 关于补贴的国际规则是否会打乱世界贸易体系?
- Where an enterprise has decided according to internal rules of procedure and promised to the public or the donee to make the donation, it shall perform its promise honestly. 企业按照内部议事规范审议决定并已经向社会公众或者受赠对象承诺的捐赠,必须诚实履行。
- At last, by the econometric model of the relation in economic policies, economic growth and stock market, it discovers the internal rules of our economydevelopment. 最后,通过经济政策、经济增长与股票市场之间的相互关系的计量模型,深入探讨我国经济发展的内在规律。
- All matches will be played according to current international rules. 各场比赛按现行国际规则进行。
- Insuring that the internal rules about the delivery of product defined by the company have been respected and alert the management on any potential risk of abuse or fraud. 确保公司内部制定的关于库存管理的规章制度被严格的执行,防止有虚假和欺骗的行为。
- Unacceptable as a scientific name because of contradiction to the international rules of nomenclature. 不正规的某些科学名词,因为与国际术语规则冲突而不被接受的
- Here there are no international rules nor any international standard of conduct. 这里不存在任何国际规章或国际行为准则。
- However, China has not enacted the energy law, thus leading to the lack of legal basis as an item of administrative license in drafting the internal rules of clean development mechanism. 但是,由于我国缺乏能源基本法对这项制度的确立,致使在制定清洁发展机制国内规则的过程中,作为一种行政许可事项没有相应的法律依据;
- They are truly conversant with the international rules of the game and are familiar with their homeland as well. 他们是真正懂得国际游戏规则,又了解自己故土的人。