- "Code" shall refer to the current and applicable Internal Revenue Code. “法”是指当前可用的国内税收法。
- The score is that you are in trouble with the Internal Revenue Service. 结果还是你在国家税局碰到了麻烦。
- The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) puts copies of tax forms on the Web. 国内税收服务(IRS)将税收形式的拷贝(表格)发布在网络上。
- Every family would fill out an income tax form and send it to the Internal Revenue Service. 每个家庭都要填写一份所得税单,呈交国内税务署。
- Banks are also obligated to notify the Internal Revenue Service of certain questionable transactions. 第三种信息来源来自银行有义务提交有关方面存在问题的报告给地方税务机关。
- The Internal Revenue Service offers a bonus to encourage residents to disclose alleged culprits. 联邦国税局还悬赏鼓励民众揭发中国贪官。
- In fiscal year 1918 annual internal revenue collections passed the billion dollar (thousand-million-dollar) mark for the first time. 在1918年财政年度内,一年的国内税收额第一次突破10亿美元大关。
- James E. Smith: West's Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treaury Regula Toins: Annotated Selected[M].2000 Edition ,South-Western College Publishing. 叶青.;德国财政税收制度研究[M]
- I hadreturned from an income tax audit with the Internal Revenue Service, which everyone aes is as pleasant as a bad session in the dentist's chair. 母亲的心情记录:女儿未婚怀孕那天,我刚刚从税务局办完了个人所得税的审计,那地方谁都认为就像是在牙科的椅子上难熬。
- So, even though I am still paying UK taxes, I have become enmeshed in the unyielding net of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). 虽然我仍在英国交税,但是却陷入美国国税局缺乏灵活的法网之中。
- I hadreturned from an income tax audit with the Internal Revenue Service, which everyone agrees is as pleasant as a bad session in the dentist's chair. 母亲的心情记录:女儿未婚怀孕那天,我刚刚从税务局办完了个人所得税的审计,那地方谁都认为就像是在牙科医生的椅子上难熬。
- Prosecutors also revealed that the range of alleged offences had been expanded from conspiracy to defraud the Internal Revenue Service to tax evasion. 毕马威美国公司8月份承认,在1996年至2002年间曾向富人出售“欺诈性”避税计划,以帮助他们逃税。
- UBS reached a preliminary settlement with the Internal Revenue Service in a civil action on revealing the identities of account holders. 瑞银集团在一起民事诉讼中已与美国国内税务局就披露帐户持有人身份的问题达成了初步协议。
- Internal Revenue Code Section 165 permits a deduction for losses associated with the abandonment of nondepreciable assets. 这样,在财务报表上对资产的部分减记,不能导致税务上的扣减。
- Only the Internal Revenue Service still insists on paper for some things ,says Ms Breedlove, but even it claims to be going electronic soon. 翻译:公司的下一步是要推出一种在线服务,是客户们能够登录去管理他们的账户。
- I had just returned from an income tax audit with the Internal Revenue Service,which everyone agrees is as pleasant as a bad session in the dentist's chair. 那天,我刚刚从税务局办完了个人所得税的审计,那地方谁都认为就像是在牙科医生的椅子上那么难熬。
- They are also, for the most part, public entities subject to oversight by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) to ensure compliance with very stringent regulations. 在很大程度上,他们也是社会团体,受到IRS(美国国税局)的监督,以确保其遵守严厉的规章制度。
- I had just returned from an income tax audit with the Internal Revenue Service, which everyone agrees is as pleasant as a bad session in the dentist's chair. 那天,我刚刚从税务局办完了个人所得税的审计,那地方谁都认为就像是在牙科医生的椅子上那么难熬。
- James E. Smith: West's Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treaury Regula Toins: Annotated Selected [M ]. 2000 Fditition , South - Western College Publishing. 叶青;德国财政税收制度研究[M].;北京:中国劳动社会保障出版社;2000
- Yet, the gross international revenue of Chinese movies is less than one American blockbuster movie. 有关中国基督徒的书籍文献或由中国基督徒写的著作更是少之又少。