- intermediate temperature drop 中间降温
- Q: Will the temperature drop damage the hot mold? 问题:温度下降是否会损伤热作模具?
- The temperature drops in September. 气温在九月间下降。
- The weather scientists predicted a light rain and temperature drop. 气象专家们预测有小雨,气温将下降。
- When temperature drop to zero Celsius degree, water will frozen. 当温度计降至摄氏零度时,水便会结冰。
- Melting snow absorbs heat, and so makes the temperature drop. 雪融化时吸收热量,气温因此下降。
- The strip temperature drop mathematical model of intermediate table with insulation cover during hot continuous rolling is introduced, and the technology of intermediate table with insulation cover is simulated and analyzed. 摘要介绍热连轧带保温罩的中间输送辊道带坯温降数学模型的建立方法,对中间辊道加保温罩的保温工艺进行模拟分析。
- The temperature dropped abruptly. 气温骤然下降。
- As the temperature drop abruptly, the camper is shivering all over with cold. 由於气温骤降,野营者冷得浑身发抖。
- As the temperature drop abruptly,the camper was shivering all over with cold. 由于气温骤降,野营者冷得浑身发抖。
- This paper summarized the research and development on the ceramic cathode materials used in intermediate temperature SOFCs. 综述了中低温固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)陶瓷阴极材料的研究和发展动态。
- La_(0.85)Sr_(0.15)MnO_3-Ce_(0.7)Bi_(0.3)O_2 (LSM-CBO) composite electrode for ITSOFC (intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell) has been prepared by citrate-gel method. 采用柠檬酸络合法为中温固体氧化物燃料电池制备了La0 .;85Sr0
- The temperature drops below zero. 温度降到零度以下。
- Borosilicate sintering aid,different rare-earth oxides have been doped into BaTiO3(BT)-Nb2O5-ZnO system in order to obtain the X7R materials sintered at intermediate temperature. 在BaTiO3(BT)-Nb2O5-ZnO系统中引入硼硅酸盐助烧剂,加入不同稀土氧化物(Y,Nd,Gd,Ho,Yb,Er,Pr,Dy,La,Ce)对BT进行介电性能研究,以期获得中烧X7R陶瓷材料。
- The temperature dropped below zero. 气温骤降到零下。
- In November the temperatures drop and the days shorten. 十一月气温下降,白天变短。
- That night, the temperature dropped below freezing. 夜间气温降到零度以下。
- Part of the aus-tenite formed at intermediate temperatures transforms into martensite while thesteel was cooled down to room temperature. 中温转变的奥氏体冷却到室温时部分转变成马氏体。 这种第二代马氏体与奥氏体高度细化,并交织在一起形成复杂的组织。
- Diapause completion progresses well at lower or intermediate temperatures for those multivoltine insects with summer diapause. 对具有夏季滞育的多化性昆虫,低温或中性的温度有利于滞育的发育;
- The animal's temperature drops to just over zero centigrade, and its heart beats very slowly. 动物的体温降到刚好在零摄氏度以上,心脏跳动非常缓慢。