- NDIS network device interface specification. 网络设备接口。
- This is extremely valuable information to the Technical Interface specification and Data Mappings team. 这对于接口技术规范和数据映射规范来讲是非常有用的信息。
- Time management is a very important service of the interface specification of HLA. 摘要时间管理是HLA接口规范提供的一项重要的服务。
- At present, the WSDL does not provide enough information to be a conclusive source for a System Interface specification. 目前,WSDL没有提供足够的信息作为系统接口规范的确凿来源。
- Abstract: HLA interface specification is divided into six ma nagement areas, among which, time management services are the bases for correct i nteraction among federates. 文摘:HLA的接口规范中定义了六类服务,其中时间管理服务是联邦成员间正确交互的基础。
- Workflow Management Coalition Members. Workflow client application and application programming interface specification[R ]. Winchester,Hampshire,U.K.:WfMC 1997. WFMC-TC-1009. 范玉顺.;工作流管理技术基础[M]
- Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification(DOCSIS)is an industry standard developed for broadband access applications of high speed multimedia via Hybrid Fiber Coax(HFC). 有线电缆数据服务传输规范(DOCSIS)是为基于光纤同轴混合网(HFC)的宽带多媒体接入应用而开发的工业标准。
- HLA interface specification is divided into six ma nagement areas, among which, time management services are the bases for correct i nteraction among federates. HLA的接口规范中定义了六类服务,其中时间管理服务是联邦成员间正确交互的基础。
- IEC 61970 defines an application program interface (API) for an energy management system (EMS) for integration of different EMS effectively and conveniently, which includes Common Information Model (CIM) and Component Interface Specification (CIS). 为了能够快速实现不同EMS系统的有效集成,美国EPRI提出了一套EMS系统的应用程序接口规范(CCAPI),现已被IEC采纳为IEC-61970标准。
- Contrast with traditional packet filter techniques which based on NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specification), it can capture data of any process in application layer. However, the hook techniques are pretty complicated. ,s进程套接字数据劫持技术研究有相当难度,与传统的基于网络设备接口规范(NDIS)的包过滤技术相比,该技术的不同之处在于它可以在应用层上对任意进程的网络输入和输出数据进行捕获。
- GALT (Greatest Available Logical Time) algorithm is the key technology which decides whether time management service in the interface specification of HLA (High Level Architecture) can be realized. GALT(GreatestAvailableLogicalTime,最大可能逻辑时间)算法是HLA(HighLevelArchitecture,高层体系结构)接口规范中时间管理服务能否实现的关键技术。
- The Windows installer service and network driver interface specification were introduced, and then the key technology in installing NDIS driver and building the Microsoft installer package were described. 介绍了Windows安装服务、网络驱动程序接口规范及该规范支持的驱动程序,重点阐述了NDIS驱动程序安装的关键技术及MSI安装包的实现。
- BTX, acronym for Balanced Technology Extended is an interface specification that provides a common, flexible foundation, based on standards that can be used to build innovative desktop systems. BTX是“扩展平衡技术”的缩写,它是一个接口规范,基于能用来建立创新桌面系统的标准,提供了一个公共的灵活基础。
- This paper presents the interface specification of GPIB, the basic principle and function pf the TNT4882 interface chip as well as its circuit diagram along with the basic software flow chart. 介绍了基于TNT4882的GPIB接口控制器的设计方案,阐述了GPIB接口规范及其接口专用芯片TNT4882的功能,给出了GPIB接口电路及其软件控制流程。
- It also addresses OAM issues as they relate to the reference configuration at the user access and to the interface specifications. 当OAM与在用户接入的参考配置和接口规范有关时,本建议也谈到OAM问题。
- Data Over Cable Service Interface Specif 线缆传输数据业务接口标准
- Can you give me a price list with specification? 你能否给我一份有规格说明的价目单吗?
- NDIS Network Driver Interface Specification 网络驱动程序接口标准
- Responsible for developing interaction models that describe a systems behavior to support user tasks. Developing user interface specifications ensuring a consistent and cohesive user experience tailored to a product's audience. 以用户为中心设计交互模型,使得我们能够向用户提供符合用户期望的服务,并确保用户能够有效使用,维护用户体验的一致,提高用户粘性。
- Can you give me an explanation of the man-machine interface? 你能给我解释一下人机接口吗?