- interface ore deposit 界面矿床
- Therefore, it is a marine sedimentary-metamorphic iron ore deposit. 铁矿床属海相沉积变质成因。
- The Longqiao iron ore deposit is a large-scale hidden magnetite ore deposit. 安徽庐江龙桥铁矿属一大型隐伏磁铁矿矿床。
- Gold-hosted breccia in Shuangwang ore deposit is hydrofracturing breccia. 摘要双王金矿含金角砾岩水力压裂成因角砾岩。
- The ore deposit can be named as subvolcanic hydrothermal garnet-diopside-magnetite deposit. 可把此矿床定名为次火山水热石榴子石-透辉石-磁铁矿矿床。
- On the Relation between Alteration of Surrounding Rock and Gold Mineralization in the Xinchen Gold Ore Deposit. 浅谈新城金矿床围岩蚀变与金矿化的关系
- They are respectively named cut-off grade, marginal grade, economic grade and the average grade of an ore deposit. 这4项品位指标依次为边界品位、边际品位、经济品位和矿床平均品位。
- U-Pb and Pb-Pb dating methods have been used to determine the age of H8 dolomite in Bayan Obo Ore Deposit. 采用U Pb和Pb Pb方法研究了内蒙古白云鄂博赋矿H8白云岩的年代。
- Fankou Pb-Zn deposit is a submarinehydrothermal spring effusion type ore deposit, which occurred in upper Paleozoic carbonaterock formation. 凡口铅锌矿床是发育于上古生界碳酸盐岩建造中的海底热泉喷溢矿床。
- Laerma gold deposit in the sooth subzon of the western Qinling is a more typical and important ore deposit. 西秦岭南亚带的拉尔玛层控金矿床,是我国一个颇具特色的、十分重要的金矿床。
- Metallogeny of the major metallic ore deposits in China II. 中国主要金属矿床成矿规律2。
- Mayuan is a newly discovered Zn-Pb ore deposit on the northern margin of Yangtze landmass. 马元铅锌矿床是近年在扬子陆块北缘铅锌找矿的新突破。
- Independent gold ore deposit mainly consists of alluvial and diluvial,slope wash sandstone and bibbley rock. 独立金矿床以冲洪积、坡残积砂金矿及砾岩型金矿为主;
- Its host rock is picritic volcanics,which is different from other volcanic rocks related to iron(copper) ore deposit. 其赋矿围岩为苦橄质火山岩,区别于与火山岩相关的各类铁(铜)矿。
- The wallrock alteration is weak, with characteristics of medium-low T hydrothermal ore deposit. 围岩蚀变微弱,具中低温热液矿床的特征。
- Located in lower Yangtze platform, Jianbi molybdenum(wolframium) deposit belongs to a porphyry ore deposit. 谏壁钼(钨)矿床是产于下扬子地台中的一类斑岩型矿床。
- The form, distribution and emplacement are controlled by many factors in Fankou Pb-Zn ore deposit. (4)矿区铅锌硫化物矿床的形成、分布和矿体具体定位同时受多方面因素的控制。
- Diaoquan silver copper ore deposit is a large scale subvolcanic type deposit with gold as by product. 刁泉银铜矿是一个伴生金的大型次火山岩型矿床。
- A vein of mineral ore deposited between clearly demarcated layers of rock. 位于层次分明的两层岩石之间的矿脉
- The host rocks of Dashuigou independent tellurium ore deposit are mainly green schist facies metamorphic rocks. 大水沟独立碲矿床的直接赋矿围岩为低绿片岩相变质岩。