- Can you give me an explanation of the man-machine interface? 你能给我解释一下人机接口吗?
- interface nonlinearity 桩-土非线性相互作用
- This is mainly because of geometric nonlinearity. 这主要是由于几何非线性所致。
- Poor wetting would produce voids at the interface. 浸润不良会在界面上产生孔隙。
- Never bend your interface to fit a metaphor. 不要让你的界面屈从某个隐喻。
- Inflect the interface for typical navigation. 为常见的导航调整界面。
- Nonlinear data exhibit considerable variation. 非线性数据变化较大。
- AVL system software hasfavorable interface. AVL系统软件具有良好的人机界面。
- Technical interface with IBE, Quality departments. 和IBE以及公司质量部的技术沟通.
- Optimal control for nonlinear plants. 非线性对象优化控制。
- Ensemble Filtering for Nonlinear Dynamics. 非线性动力学的合成滤波。
- Does the interface meet all standards? 界面是否与所有的标准相符?
- Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics. 着重讨论非线性光纤光学的应用。
- If so, will a Keyboard Wedge Interface work? 如果这样,一个键盘将用楔片固定界面工作吗?
- Applied nonlinear analysis aubin j. P. 应用非线性分析。
- One way is to interface it to a silicon chip. 方法之一就是把微生物放到一个硅芯片中。
- The amplifier circuit is nonlinear circuit. 放大线路是非线性电路。
- Nonlinear ANC Based on RBF Neural Networks? 基于径向基神经网络的非线性自适应除噪
- So, what should we make of interface guidelines? 我们应该如何对待界面指导准则?
- Surface EMG is a complex nonlinear signal. 表面肌电信号(surface EMG,sEMG)是一种复杂的非线性信号。