- The national interests theory of constructivism have not only the existing reality, and also a certain the idealism color. 建构主义的国家利益理论既有现实性,又带有一定的理想主义色彩。
- Besides, the author states that issuing antedated B/L is evidence against Contract Assignment Theory and Contract for The Third Party's Interest Theory. 另外指出,倒签提单是合同让与说、第三人利益合同说的反面证明。
- Public interest theory addresses market failure in international trade and the effect of an externality-based TBT on allocative efficiency increasing in an economy. 公共利益理论强调国际贸易中的市场失灵,认为基于市场失灵保护的技术性贸易壁垒可以提高资源的配置效率;
- First of all, Review the history of actuarial science and look forward to the tendency of the development Introduce some key principal in the actuarial science: Interest Theory and Annuity, Survival Function and Life Table, Types of insurance and Premium. 本文首先简要说明了保险精算的起源以及发展的趋势,介绍了保险精算的一些基本理论:利息理论和年金的概念,生存函数的推导以及生命表的构成,寿险的基本形式和保费的定义。
- Course contents include the basic concept of Money and Banking, financial intermediaries, central banks &monetary policy, moentary and interest theory, financial market and international monetary system. 课程内容涵盖基本概念介绍,金融媒介机构,中央银行与货币政策,货币与利率理论,金融市场及国际货币制度等重要课题之阐述。
- But Arum has an interesting theory, saying that African-American boxers have really suffered as interest declined in the general white community. 不过,阿鲁姆有个有趣的理论,说是非洲裔拳手正陷入白人观众下滑的趋势中。
- The ancient pyramids continue to mystify scientists. How were these massive structures built? One scientist from Caltech has an interesting theory. 那些古老的金字塔继续迷惑着科学家们,这些巨大的建筑物是如何建成的呢?来自加州理工学院的一位科学家提出一个有趣的理论。
- Olivia: I read an interesting theory about that.It talked about the evolutionary origins of preferential3 right-handedness in humans. 奥莉维亚:我读过一篇有趣的相关论文,谈到人类选择使用右手的进化起源。
- His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致。
- On Interest Theory and Interest Rate Policy 利息理论与利率政策
- The public interest theory of regulation 与公共利益规制理论
- Sectional Interest Theory of Regulation 部门利益理论
- Public interest theory of regulation 公众利益
- Gladwell has some interesting theories on what it takes to become an outlier. 威尔对于这些人如何成功有一个非常有趣的理论。
- His two great interests in life are music and painting. 音乐和绘画是他生活中的两大嗜好。
- He has considerable business interests. 他有很多企业股份。
- He has an interest in a brewery. 他在一酿造厂有股份。
- The interests of the two countries collide. 两国的利益发生冲突。
- His policy is antagonistic to our interests. 他的政策兴我们的利益相抵触。