- The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development. 北美的消费者们越来越关注他们的日常饮食是否安全和有营养。这一发展趋势是好的。
- In the scenery behind it is the interests of consumers continue to be harmed. 而在它风光的背后,是消费者的利益不断受到伤害。
- The interests of farmers need to be squared with those of consumers. 农场主的利益需要同消费者的利益相一致。
- As is known to all,fake and inferior commodities harm the interests of consumers. 众所周知,假冒伪劣商品损害了消费者的利益。
- As is known to all, fake and inferior commodities harm the interests of consumers. 众所周知,假冒伪劣商品损害了消费者的利益。
- We must tightly supervise the quality of the livestock for slaughter, in order to protect the interests of consumers. 我们一定要严把出栏肉畜的质量,保护消费者利益。
- The interest of usury is unfairly high. 高利贷的利息惊人得高。
- And more manufacturers to ignore the after-sale products, This way undermines the interests of consumers. 而更多的厂家忽视对产品的售后服务,这无形中损害了消费者的利益。”
- Consequently, the question bedevilling regulators is how they might intervene to realign the industry better with the interests of consumers. 所以,困扰监管者的问题就是,他们应如何进行干预,使该行业更有利于消费者。
- This apparent interest of his in modern music is completely pseudo. 他对现代音乐显露出的雅兴纯属自欺欺人。
- The British antitrust watchdog said BAA's control of the three airports, which all serve London, might not be in the interests of consumers and airlines. 这家英国反垄断监管机构称,BAA对上述三家机场(均为伦敦服务)的控制可能不符合消费者和航空公司的利益。
- He do his best to further the interest of his state. 他竭尽所能增进他那个州的利益。
- But the two replied clearly had too much arbitrariness, not only undermines the interests of consumers, but also contrary to the general principles of administrative law. 但政府的两次批复显然具有太多的随意性,不仅损害了消费者的权益,也违背了行政法的一般原则。
- We should protect the rights of consumers. 我们应该保护消费者的权益。
- The conflicting interests of producers and consumers will be everlasting. 生产者与消费者之间的利益冲突将永远存在。
- Some agencies will accept complaints of consumers. 一些机构会直接接受消费者投诉。
- All I have done is in the interest of the family. 我做的一切都是为了这个家的利益。
- A number of submissions were also made to various government departments and industry groups on matters affecting the interests of consumers,following complaints or requests for comments on consultation papers. 消委会亦就有关消费者权益的投诉或咨询文件,向政府部门及工商团体提交意见。
- The interests of the two countries collide. 两国的利益发生冲突。
- They forge the signatures of consumers. 他们伪造消费者的签名。