- reserve for interdepartmental encumbrance 内部保留数准备
- interdepartmental encumbrance 内部保留数
- I felt I was being an encumbrance to them. 我感到自己成了他们的累赘。
- He just saw them as superfluous an encumbrance. 当哥萨克人追着你满欧洲跑的时候,你需要轻装上路。
- She is a lady without encumbrance. 她是个没有儿女拖累的自由女人。
- This he assured me was the only encumbrance. 他告诉我这是唯一的额外开支。
- Well-considered overall plans unify interdepartmental activities. 经过周密考虑的整体计划,可使各部门间的活动协调一致。
- Fourthly, interdepartmental cooperation should be encouraged. 四是抓部门间协作。
- The widow advertised herself as" without encumbrance" . 那寡妇登了告白注明“无儿女牵累”。
- The widow advertised herself as"without encumbrance". 那寡妇登了告白注名“无儿女牵累”。
- He wasn't hostile.He just saw them as superfluous an encumbrance. 他不是恨宠物,只是认为宠物是多余的,是累赘。
- Any encumbrance or claim that affects title to real property. 所有影响不动产产权的阻碍或声明。
- I could not be here early because I had an encumbrance. 我因受阻未能早些到这里。
- Finances: Good order;no debt encumbrance;owns car. 经济状况:良好;无债务;拥有汽车。
- The State Department is simply not equipped to handle interdepartmental machinery. 国务院根本不具备驾驭部际机构的能力。
- "Conveyance" includes every a ignment, lease, mortgage, or encumbrance. “让与”包括各种转让、租借、抵押或留置。
- "Conveyance" includes every assignment, lease, mortgage, or encumbrance. “让与”包括各种转让、租借、抵押或留置。
- When an especially difficult interdepartmental problem arose, an ad hoc task force with a responsible head was created. 部会之间遇有特殊困难问题,就成立一个特别小组,由专人负责。
- But now interdepartmental working, them, constitute the main reason for the current situation. 但现在部门间各自为政,各取所需,是造成目前状况的主要原因。
- Most importantly, I recognized the importance of controls and interdepartmental communication. 最重要的是,我意识到控制和跨部门的沟通的重要性。