- interculrural pragmatics 跨文化语用
- Mouton Series in Pragmatics call for Pap. 第十届全国语用学研讨会征文通知。
- A Bilingual Glossary of Pragmatics. 语用学术语。
- The course involves the study of pragmatics. 这课涉及到重实效的学习。
- Pragmatics: is the study of meaning in context. 语用学:在语境中研究意义。
- Ellipsis is a phenomenon in pragmatics. 省略是一种语言现象。
- Deixis play an important role in pragmatics. 摘要指示是语用学研究的一个重要课题。
- His answer was built on this false preset of pragmatics. 他的回答正是建立在这一虚假语用预设上的。
- In pragmatics, adjacency pair is a heatedly-discussed topic. 相邻对是语用学中一个广泛探讨的话题。
- The preset of pragmatics is influenced by the shifting of sentence focus. 语用预设受语句焦点的影响。
- Presupposition is a very important concept in Semantics and Pragmatics. 预设或前提是语义学与语用学中的一个很重要的概念。
- Presupposition is an important research subject in semantics and pragmatics. 预设是语义学和语用学的一个重要研究课题。
- Universal Pragmatics is the base of the complex theory of Communicative Action. 哈贝马斯的普遍语用学是其体系庞繁的交往行动理论的基础。
- Pragmatics is the study of language use and linguistic communication. 语用学是对语言的使用和语言交际进行的研究。
- Levinson, S. C. 1983. Pragmatics [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 何兆熊;2000;新编语用学概要[M].;上海:上海外语教育出版社
- Abstract: Pragmatics, as a new science, is an important branch of linguistics. 摘要:语用作为一门新兴学科,是语言学的重要分枝。
- From the perspective of pragmatics, the problem is not a paradox unsolvable. 从语用学的角度看,直译和意译的矛盾是可以解决的;
- Pragmatics and semantics are both linguistic studies of meaning, but they are different. 语用学和语义学都是对意义的语言学研究,但两者是不同的。
- Speaker's words and intention cooperation are that general principle of pragmatics. 说话人话语与意图合作是普遍的语用原则。
- We might as well conduct some concrete analysis and studies of the false preset of pragmatics from these angles. 我们不妨从这几个角度来对虚假语用预设进行具体分析和探讨。