- In 1994, a unified interbank lending market was established nationwide, and in 1997 the interbank securities market was set up. 1994年建立全国统一的银行间同业拆借市场,1997年成立银行间债券市
- That has been one of the main causes of the convulsions in interbank lending markets, a usually humdrum corner of the financial system which once again is showing signs of strain. 那就是银行同业拆放市场出现混乱的重要原因之一,银行同业拆放基本是在处在金融体系中平静一角的,现在金融体系也一再发出紧缩信号。
- In 1994, a unified interbank lending market was established nationwide, and in 1997 the interbank securities market was set up 1994年建立全国统一的银行间同业拆借市场,1997年成立银行间债券市场。
- interbank lending market 同业拆借市场
- The financial markets reached a significant milestone yesterday as a key interbank lending rate fell to a record low. 银行间关键贷款利率日前跌至创纪录低点,这成为金融市场上一个重要的里程碑。
- Even now, there are lingering traces of mistrust in longer-term interbank lending rates, which still look unduly high compared with overnight lending. 即使现在,在长期银行间拆贷率中仍然或多或少可以看见这些不信任的影子,使得这些长期拆贷率大大高于隔夜拆贷率。
- These unprecedented measures began to have some effect: interbank lending resumed and the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) improved. 这些前所未有措施开始显现一些效果:银行间拆借恢复,伦敦银行同业拆借利率有所改善。
- Interest rates on a wide range of asset classes, especially interbank lending, asset-backed commercial paper and junk bonds, rose sharply relative to riskless U.S. 不同资产级别的折现回报率,尤其是银行同业借拆率,资产抵押商业票据以及次级债券对美国无风险短期国债的基差大辐升水。
- This development forced money-centre banks to hoard liquidity for their own requirements, leading to a cessation of anything but overnight interbank lending. 这种情况迫使以资金为中心的银行储藏流动性,以备自己之需,导致隔夜同业拆借交易停止。
- Just two years ago the lending market consisted largely of banks that operated in a relatively standard fashion. 就在两年前,贷款市场大部分还是由采用相对标准的方式进行经营的银行构成的。
- Not only did bankers lose many loyal customers by withholding credit, they also accidentally opened the door to a herd of nonbank competitors, who swarmed into the lending market. 银行不只因为紧缩信用而失去许多忠实顾客,而且不经意地敞开大门,让一大批非银行机构蜂拥进入贷款市场。
- Interbank lending froze. 银行间供货冻结。
- These unprecedented measures began to have some effect: interbank lending resumed and the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) improved.Thefinancial crisis showed signs of abating. 本次金融危机的显著特点是危机并不是由外部因素,例如石油输出国组织提高油价造成的,而是由金融系统本身导致。
- In order to gain a better understanding of the reasons behind this unusual phenomenon, we have informally consulted a number of banks that are active in the domestic lending market. 年金融危机的严峻程度也是前所未闻的。为了更深入了解造成这次不寻常现象的原因,我们非正式地谘询了几家活跃于本地贷款市场的银行。
- Interbank Lending in Foreign Currencies 外汇存款同业外汇拆借
- Meanwhile,government loan and inter-bank lending markets have also made fairly rapid progress. 同时,国债市尝银行业同业拆借市场也得到较快发展。
- If defects in lending markets prevent that, the government could advance loans to new industries. 如果由于借贷市场的缺陷而不能这样做,那么,政府可以向新建工业提供贷款。
- Meanwhile, government loan and inter-bank lending markets have also made fairly rapid progress. 同时,国债市尝银行业同业拆借市场也得到较快发展;
- Funds borrowed from interbank lendings should be used for making up for the settlement of the accounts, shortage of the inter-bank balance and the need of temporary working funds. 拆入资金用于弥补票据结算、联行汇差头寸的不足和解决临时性周转资金的需要。
- But as lending markets have retreated, borrowers have been stranded without credit and savers have seen their pensions and investments melt away. 而如今贷方市场退缩,借方则陷入难觅贷款的困境,而储户又目睹着其养老金与投资总数日渐消融。