- intensity relative quantity 强度相对数
- intensity relative quantities 强度相对数
- MRI shows a heterogeneous suprasellar mass with low signal intensity relative to gray matter on T1WI and FLAIR. MRI显示鞍上不均一信号肿块,在T1WI和FLAIR图像上相对灰质呈低信号。
- The relative quantity of A. AgP组A.
- Consumption object structure means the consumption expenditure structure of various commodities, the change of which is prominently shown in the fluctuation rule of absolute quantity and relative quantity of income distribution in various commodities. 消费客体结构主要是指对各类商品的消费支出结构,其变化突出表现为收入在各类商品分配的绝对数和相对数的起伏规律。
- The results showed that the relative quantity of nitrogen uptaken by corns from soils was more than from fertilizers, and it was been vulnerably affected by waterlogging in summer. 结果表明:玉米吸收土壤氮素的比例高于对肥料氮的吸收,而且其对肥料氮的利用率低于小麦,并极易受夏涝的影响;
- The filters have small value of M, defined as the maximum value of sidelobes intensity relative to the central core, and relatively good effect of superresolution is attained. 利用这种滤波器还可以控制远场旁瓣强度的最大值与主瓣强度最大值之比(M),从而获得较好的超分辨效果。
- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 这篇韵文表现出强烈的激情。
- The relative quantities of GCS and mdr1 genes in multidrug resistance group were significantly increased compared with non-resistance group(P < 0.001). 急性白血病耐药组标本的GCS基因及mdr1基因的扩增条带吸光度(A)相对比值均明显高于非耐药组(P<0.;001)。
- The luminous intensity on unit area. 单位面积上的发光强度。
- Weaves Relative Quantity Computation in Alloy Modulation 合金相图中各组织相对量的计算
- The team found that the various smaller styrene units were present in the same relative quantities Katsuhiko Saido of Nihon University in Chiba, Japan in both the lab and in the water samples. 这个团队发现:各种较小聚乙烯单元被分解为相同对应数量的颗粒(在卡素西口赛一朵的实验室条件下和海水样本条件下)。
- The pain increased in intensity. 疼痛越来越剧烈。
- The play shows great intensity of feeling. 这出戏表现了强烈的感情。
- In our work quality counts for as much as quantity. 在我们的工作中,质量跟数量同等重要。
- The poem shows great intensity of feeling. 这首诗表达了强烈的感情。
- Ifs cheaper to buy goods in quantity. 大量地购物要便宜些。
- Is our relative strength growing? 我们的相对力量正在增长吗?
- A quantity of unknown numerical value. 未知数数值不明的一个数量
- They are now living in relative comfort. 他们现在过着比较安逸的生活。