what you must know in order to determine the reference of an expression
用作名词 (n.)
It can reflect the flame propagation speed and evaluate the explosion intension. 计算出的分形维数是衡量湍流火焰传播速度以及爆炸强度的有效参数。
The results show that the amount of thulium and Al-Ti-B and thulium additive and the way of heat treatment have influence on intension. 对实验结果进行了分析与讨论,并在此基础上找到了提高其强度的方法与途径。
Caoyu's works have much dramatic intension. 曹禺的戏剧作品都具有丰富的戏剧性内涵。
It is necessary to unscramble the intension of the acquisition of listed company. 关于我国上市公司收购的确切内涵仍有学理解读的必要。
His voice..was intolerably shrill, harsh..of the most cruel intension.