- intensifying oagulate 强化混凝
- All this is intensifying the perennial debate about safety. 所有这些都激化着长期以来关于汽车的安全问题的争论。
- Intensifying course study of population and development. 加强人口与发展学科建设。
- Intensifying supervision over Olympic construction projects? 加强对奥运工程建设项目监督。
- The relationship between China and Kazakhstan is intensifying. 中哈两国的友谊正在不断加强。
- The raid is part of an intensifying Hamas crackdown on Fatah. 这次搜捕行动是哈马斯加强镇压法塔赫的一部分。
- VI. Intensifying Forestry Legislation and Ruling Forestry According to Law. 六、加强林业法制,实行依法治林。
- Methane is one of the major contributors to the intensifying greenhouse effect. 甲烷是强化室温效应的。
- Intensifying the Efforts on Market Exploitation and Strictly Standardizing Market Order. (二)加大开拓市场力度,从严规范市场秩序。
- Japanese imperialism is now intensifying its preparations for the invasion of China south of the Great Wall. 对于中国本部的侵略,日本帝国主义正在加紧准备着。
- Sixth,intensifying tax collection and management,and improving financial service. 第六,加强税收征管, 改进金融服务。
- The WTO membership will lead China to further commit itself to intensifying such co operation and pushing for bilateral talks between developed and developing countries. 中国成为世贸组织会员国后,将进一步强化这种合作,推动发展中国家和发达国家之间的对话。
- Intensifying marine pollution control to protect the country's marine environment security. 加强海洋污染防治工作,保护国家海洋环境安全;
- WWF reminds leaders of the added impact of climate change which is already intensifying droughts and floods. 世界自然基金会提醒各国领袖,随著气候转变,乾旱和泛滥的情况日趋严重。
- Inquiry about intensifying sintering production and reducing consumption in Anshan Iron and Steel Group Co. 鞍钢强化烧结生产及降低消耗可行性探讨。
- Intensifying efforts to restructure industries, conserve resources and protect the environment. 加大产业结构调整、资源节约和环保力度。
- The finals are going to begin soon and the players are intensifying their training. 决赛马上就要开始了,队员们正在加紧练习。
- In word processing, the process of intensifying the image of selected characters when displayed or printed. 字(词)处理技术中,在显示或打印时增强所选字符影象的处理方法。
- Sixth, intensifying tax collection and management, and improving financial service. 第六,加强税收征管, 改进金融服务。
- Due to the intensifying crisis, the fashion of aestheticism began to decline after 1930s. 20世纪30年代以后,由于危机加剧,唯美主义风潮在感应时代的节律中逐渐式微。