- We need to intensify our effort to fight corruption and to prevent and eliminate its root causes. 加大治本力度,从源头上预防和治理腐败。
- We should intensify our efforts to establish Party organizations in mass.organizations and intermediaries. 加大在社会团体和社会中介组织中建立党组织的工作力度。
- We should intensify our efforts to establish Party organizations in mass organizations and intermediaries. 加大在社会团体和社会中介组织中建立党组织的工作力度。
- To intensify our efforts to achieve a comprehensive reform of the Security Council in all its aspects. 加紧努力全面改革安全理事会的所有方面。
- We need to intensify our efforts to develop labor-intensive industries, service trades, and small and medium-sized enterprises that can provide a good many jobs. 大力发展就业容量大的劳动密集型产业、服务业、中小企业。
- We constantly invigorated our policies to strengthen agriculture and benefit farmers and continued to intensify our efforts to protect farmland. 强农惠农政策力度不断加大。耕地保护工作继续加强。
- If the work of the political power is weak,we shall intensify our efforts there,and if work among the masses constitutes a weak link,we shall concentrate our efforts there. 如政权工作薄弱就加强政权工作,群众工作薄弱就加强群众工作。
- We need to intensify our efforts to develop labor-intensive industries,service trades,and small and medium-sized enterprises that can provide a good many jobs. 大力发展就业容量大的劳动密集型产业、服务业、中小企业。
- If the work of the political power is weak, we shall intensify our efforts there, and if work among the masses constitutes a weak link, we shall concentrate our efforts there. 如政权工作薄弱就加强政权工作,群众工作薄弱就加强群众工作。
- To intensify our efforts to fight transnational crime in all its dimensions, including trafficking as well as smuggling in human beings and money laundering. -加强努力打击所有方面的跨国犯罪,包括贩卖和偷运人口以及洗钱行为。
- To intensify our efforts to fight transnational crime in all its dimensions,including trafficking as well as smuggling in human beings and money laundering. 加强努力打击所有方面的跨国犯罪,包括贩卖和偷运人口以及洗钱行为。
- If prices do not drop down too rising momentum, not only need to continue regulation, and the need to intensify our efforts, it is impossible to stop, go. 如果房价过快上涨的势头降不下来,就不仅需要继续调控,而且需要加大力度,不可能浅尝辄止、半途而废。
- We must intensify our efforts to educate such persons and to make them understand that selfish departmentalism is a sectarian tendency which will become very dangerous, if allowed to develop. 对于这样的人,必须加重教育,使他们懂得这就是一种宗派主义的倾向,如果发展下去,是很危险的。
- It is essential to have a profound understanding of the long-term,arduous and complex nature of the work against corruption. Not only is it necessary to be prepared for protracted battles,but also intensify our efforts to address the current issues. 要深刻认识反腐败工作的长期性、艰巨性和复杂性,既要树立持久作战的思想,又要抓紧当前的工作。
- We should enhance our awareness of the importance of environmental protection,continue to increase investment in environmental protection and intensify our efforts to control and treat pollution in major cities,regions,valleys and sea areas. 要强化全民族的环境保护意识,继续增加环境保护投入,加强对重点城市、区域、流域、海域的污染治理。
- We will intensify our efforts to improve quality-oriented education and strengthen ideological and political work at schools in order to help our students improve their moral qualities,intellectual ability,physical fitness and aesthetic appreciation. 大力推进素质教育,加强学校思想政治工作,促进学生德智体美全面发展。
- As China moves closer to entering the World Trade Organization, its opening-up policy will enter a new stage. Therefore, we should intensify our efforts to ensure that areas of the economy that are still relatively closed off to the outside world open up. 随着加入世界贸易组织,中国对外开放将进入新的阶段,要进一步推动全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放,发展开放型经济。
- We will intensify our efforts to improve quality-oriented education and strengthen ideological and political work at schools in order to help our students improve their moral qualities, intellectual ability, physical fitness and aesthetic appreciation. 大力推进素质教育,加强学校思想政治工作,促进学生德智体美全面发展。
- It is essential to have a profound understanding of the long-term , arduous and complex nature of the work against corruption. Not only is it necessary to be prepared for protracted battles, but also intensify our efforts to address the current issues. 要深刻认识反腐败工作的长期性、艰巨性和复杂性,既要树立持久作战的思想,又要抓紧当前的工作。
- We should enhance our awareness of the importance of environmental protection, continue to increase investment in environmental protection and intensify our efforts to control and treat pollution in major cities, regions, valleys and sea areas. 要强化全民族的环境保护意识,继续增加环境保护投入,加强对重点城市、区域、流域、海域的污染治理。