- The fracture caused him intense pain. 骨折给他造成了剧烈的疼痛。
- His leg was numbed by the intense pain. 他的腿因剧痛而麻木。
- That same evening Harding suffered intense pain. 当天晚上,哈丁感到剧烈痛苦。
- Intense pain can mean serious damage. 有剧痛说明伤得很重。
- A serious toothache is an intense pain. 严重的牙痛是一种剧烈的疼痛。
- Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. 也要小心如有上下颚强烈性的痛。
- She felt intense pain as the blade bit into her flesh. 刀片划入她的肉时,她感到剧痛。
- Sometimes they feel a few seconds of intense pain as the letdown (or milk ejection) reflex occurs, because it is so forceful. 有时她们会在喷乳反射发生的时候感到几秒钟非常强烈的疼痛,因为喷乳反射太强了。
- Last week, Kailee suffered a sudden onset of intense pain in her right chest above her central line. 上一周,凯丽右侧的锁骨静脉置管突然出现了一阵剧烈的疼痛。
- Gout occurs when urate cyrstals accumulate around the joint, causing the inflamation and intense pain of a gout attack. 痛风的发作往往是因为尿酸结石在关节附近的累积,导致严重的炎症和剧烈的疼痛。
- Seek medical adice when sudden intense pain occurs, een if it goes away in1 or2 days or if you hae had gout diagnosed and hae another attack. 出现剧烈疼痛,即使疼痛在1-2天内即消失,或者曾经诊断为痛风并且再次发作的患者都应寻求医疗指导。
- Seek medical adice when sudden intense pain occurs, een if it goes away in 1 or 2 days or if you hae had gout diagnosed and hae another attack. 当突然而强烈的疼痛发作时,即使疼痛只持续一两天,或是已经确诊痛风而再次发作,也需要就医。
- As a young man, Liang was strong and active despite this handicap, but in later years it affected his spine and he sometimes suffered intense pain. 身为一个年轻的男人,两不管这一个障碍是强壮的和活跃的,但是在它影响了他的背骨较后的数年中而且他有时遭受了强烈的痛苦。
- Because of Alzheimer's, cancer, brain damage, intense pain or other constrictions, they do not rate very high on the Quality of Life meter. 由于患有老年痴呆症、癌症、脑损害、剧烈疼痛或其它压力,在生活质量表中他们没有估计很高。
- Answer: A side stitch is a sharp, intense pain under the lower edge of the ribcage caused by a muscle spasm of the diaphragm. 回答:岔气是指由膈肌痉挛造成的肋下部的锐痛。
- If patient experience sudden, intense pain in a joint, he/she should call doctor. Gout that goes untreated can lead to worsening pain and joint damage. 如果病人感到突然剧烈的关节疼痛,他或她就应该马上联系医生。如果痛风得不到及时的治疗就会导致更严重的疼痛和关节损害。
- Gout is a clinical syndrome resulting from the deposition of urate crystals in joints causing inflammation,intense pain,and even disability to patients. 痛风是由于尿酸结晶沉积在关节引起炎症、疼痛,甚至造成患者活动障碍的一组临床综合征。
- Now that we are getting into the thick of summertime activities, sunburn is something that you have to think about. How is it that light can cause such intense pain? 既然我们现正热衷于夏天的各项活动,日晒这个事你必须要好好考虑一下。太阳光线是如何引发人们强烈的灼痛?
- The boys go through an initiation rite, in which they have to take blows without flinching and experience the most intense pain of being flogged with stinging begonias. 男孩子们要经历一种仪式,被人敲打却不能害怕,被带刺的秋海棠树枝抽打却要忍住极度的疼痛。
- Their feet were sore and intensely painful with cold. 他们的双脚冻得疼痛不堪。