- intelligent data terminal 智能数据终端
- Data terminal equipment (e.g. computer). 数据终端设备:如计算机。
- At last the design and realization of bluetooth data terminal are introduced. 最后,介绍了研制的蓝牙数据终端的设计原理和实现过程。
- Pertaining to a communications network having several data terminals. 用于修饰或说明其中具有多个数据终端的一种通信网络。
- In data communications, a means of two-way communication between two data terminal installations. 在数据通信中,两个数据终端设备之间进行双向通信的一种连接装置。
- Xenos terminalONE also extends Navis SPARCS N4 and Navis Express TOS to provide intelligent data routing and transformation capabilities. Xenos terminalONE还扩展了Navis SPARCS N4和Navis Express TOS,提供智能数据路由和转换功能。
- A data terminal equipment( DTE) recognizes a virtual circuit by its associated LCN. 一种标识逻辑信道的唯一参考号,数据终端设备(te)过其相关的逻辑信道号来识别虚电路。
- A signal controlled by a data terminal equipment ( DTE ) that is held high while it is ready to operate. 数据终端设备所控制的一种信号,当数据终端设备可以工作时,这个信号保持高电平。
- Regarding to it,an intelligent data communication decode adapter is developed,which can acquire and store the data automatically with a MCU as its core. 针对这一问题,提出了一种具有自采集与数据转存控制的电力系统智能数据通信-译码适配器。
- That phase of a call during which user data may is transferred between data terminal equipments that are interconnected via the network. 调用数据的阶段,在此阶段中,用户数据可在经网络互连的数据终端设备之间传送。
- Data is one of critical resources of information era.It's quality has important influence on the result of intelligent data analysis, especially the emergence of outlier. 作为信息时代关键性资源之一的数据,其质量问题尤其是异常数据的出现对智能数据分析的结果产生越来越重要的影响。
- An arms dealer who served as a conduit for intelligence data. 传送消息情报的军火商
- Data Terminal Ready. An RS232 output line that can be held high to indicate that our serial port is active. 数据终端就绪:RS232的一个输出行,用来提示我们串口处于激活的状态。
- A PC software is developed to implement wireless transceiver communication control, status monitor and data terminal. 开发了PC机端监控软件,实现了收发信机通信控制、状态监视、数据终端等功能。
- DTMF - see Dual Tone Multi-Frequency.DTR - see Data Terminal Ready.DTV - Stands for Digital Television. 如对稿件内容有疑议,请及时与酷酷英语网联系。
- A service which provides remote data terminal equipment in one country with access to filed information housed in a foreign database. 为远程数据终端设备所提供的一种服务(程序),这种服务一般指在某个国家的远程数据终端可访问存储在其它国家的数据库中的存档信息。
- IData Toolkit - iData is a toolkit for incorporating intelligent data into Swing components. This not only simplifies programming, but also helps develop more flexible and extensible UIs. iData这个工具集用于将智能数据集成到Swing组件中。它不仅旨在简化编程,也可以帮助开发更加灵活和可扩展的用户界面。
- A unique reference number that identifies a logical channel. A data terminal equipment ( DTE ) recognizes a virtual circuit by its associated LCN. 一种标识逻辑信道的唯一参考号,数据终端设备(DTE)通过其相关的逻辑信道号来识别虚电路。
- The ETX technology was adopted in this system, integrating the CPU main-board functions and achieving the quick, real-time signal acquisition and intelligent data analysis with applying DSP + CPLD data acquisition card. 该系统采用ETX技术和自行研制开发的基于DSP+CPLD的数据采集卡,对CPU主板功能进行了重新整合,使系统具有快速、实时信号采集和智能数据分析等功能。
- The RS-449 specifies the functional and mechanical characteristics of the interface between data terminal equipment and data communications equipment. RS-449规定了数据终端设备和数据通信设备之间的接口的功能特性和机械特性。