- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- The boy evinces great intelligence. 这个男孩表现出很高的智慧。
- She's not lacking in intelligence. 她并不缺乏学识。
- You should use your intelligence. 你应该发挥你的聪明才智。
- The boys were given an intelligence test. 那些孩子们接受了智力测验。
- His intelligence is rather limited. 他的智力相当有限。
- His intelligence quotient is very high. 他的智商很高。
- Their relationship is over and done with. 他们的关系完全断绝了。
- A note of discord crept into their relationship. 他们的关系出现了裂痕。
- The relationship between them is being improved. 他们之间的关系正在改善。
- Our advice helped them to smooth out their relationship. 我们的建议帮助他们消除了相互关系中的障碍。
- He is a man of intelligence far above the ordinary. 他是个智力非同寻常的人。
- He equals me in strength but not in intelligence. 他在气力方面和我相等,但在智力方面却不如我。
- She raved about her child's intelligence. 她一片痴心地谈她孩子如何聪明。
- He is a man of acute intelligence. 他非常聪颖。
- Their relationship soon went sour. 他们的关系不久就变坏了。
- Our intelligence shows that the enemy is advancing. 我们的情报显示敌人正在向前推进。
- Our relationship is coming apart at the seams. 我们的关系破裂了。
- Her intelligence seems almost superhuman. 她很聪明,可谓才智超人。
- Mary is not ready for a new relationship yet. 玛莉对进入新的恋爱关系还没有准备。