- intelligence patrol instrument 智能巡检仪
- The police hustled the tramps into the patrol car. 警察将那些流浪者强行推入巡逻车中。
- A police patrol boat hailed to us to come to. 警察局的一艘巡逻艇招呼我们停下。
- Police Constable Smith and Jones are on patrol. 警员史密斯和琼斯正在巡逻。
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- Police patrol the streets at night. 警察晚间在街道上巡逻。
- The patrol was waylaid by bandits. 巡逻队遭到土匪伏击。
- Terrorists attacked two soldiers on patrol. 恐怖分子袭击了两名正在巡逻的士兵。
- Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol. 狙击兵和非正规军袭击了巡逻队。
- The stethoscope is a medical instrument. 听诊器是一种医疗器械。
- intelligent patrol inspection system 智能巡检系统
- The boy evinces great intelligence. 这个男孩表现出很高的智慧。
- We'll have to chance meeting an enemy patrol. 我们不得不冒著可能遇上敌人巡逻兵的危险。
- This instrument monitors the patient's heartbeats. 这台仪器监听病人的心跳。
- She's not lacking in intelligence. 她并不缺乏学识。
- They laid an ambush for the enemy patrol. 他们埋伏起来准备伏击巡逻的敌人。
- You should use your intelligence. 你应该发挥你的聪明才智。
- The policemen are now on patrol. 警察正在巡逻。
- The boys were given an intelligence test. 那些孩子们接受了智力测验。
- His intelligence is rather limited. 他的智力相当有限。