- Perhaps because of this, at least one person in the artificial intelligence community views him skeptically. 或许恰缘于此,至少有一位人工智能社群的人士持怀疑的眼光看待他。
- For the next several hours this is what those in the intelligence community refer to as a blindspot. 从现在开始的几个小时内,这个地方将会是情报机构监听的盲点。
- The intelligence community needs a long-term bill to fix gaps in our intelligence law, not a 21 day extension. 情报机构需要一个长期的法案来填补我们情报法律的空白,而不是21天的延长期。”
- Hallucinogenic-type drug experiments were also conducted by elements of the US Army Intelligence community. 致幻类药物试验也被美国军方情报组织成员运用。
- Improving national cybersecurity is a key initiative underway by the intelligence community, he imparts. 对于智囊团来说改进当前国家的网络安全更加重要的。
- It's part of a larger, multiyear hiring push to boost the size of the U.S. intelligence community. 这只是数年推进美国情报部门雇佣体系的一部分。
- "To look at prosecuting some in the Bush administration sends chills through the intelligence community," said Senator Ensign. “看到布什政府一些官员被起诉,会让情报界不寒而栗。”
- Computer systems at the State Department, according to Mr Scheuer, were “archaic compared to the rest of the intelligence community”. 据斯奇乌尔先生所知,与美国其它情报机构相比较,州治部门的计算机系统是有些陈旧的。
- In the events advance of the hh House vote, President Bush said the legislastion will help the U.S. intelligence community protect the Americans. 众议院的投票,总统布什说立法会帮助美国监听协会保护美国人。
- "There are 16 agencies in the intelligence community, and 15 of them work for someone other than the DNI," McConnell relates. 在智囊团中有16个机构,其中有15个机构不单只服务与国家信息中心。
- The challenge for the intelligence community is. to ensure access that allows for deep penetration of any adversary, says Mike McConnell, director of national intelligence (DNI). 国家智囊团主席迈克迈康勒而说智囊团的困难是找到方法对敌人进行任何深入探索。
- Moreover, the face of the CIA and the broader intelligence community is changing. Minorities accounted for almost a third of new CIA hires last year, a record. 此外,CIA和更广泛的情报机构正在变脸。去年少数民族估计占了新的CIA雇员的三分之一,这是一个记录。
- Our intelligence community warns that under the current statute, we are missing a significant amount of foreign intelligence that we should be collecting to protect our country. 我们的情报机构发出警告,在现有法令下,我们每时每刻都在流失数量巨大的国外情报,这些情报理应被收集并用来保卫我们的国家。
- The president touted his administration's efforts to boost support for veterans, modernize the military and unify the intelligence community to combat terrorism. 布希总统夸赞他的政府努力加强对退役军人的支援、促进军队的现代化及协调统一情报部门来与恐怖主义做战斗。
- Poor selection, misrepresentation, and misinterpretation are not the only problems evident in the U.S. intelligence community's handling of Chinese sources. 糟糕的资料选择、误传、误释并非美国情报部门处理源于中国的情报资料时仅存的问题。
- And the intelligence community will be able to continue intercepting communication of suspected terrorists. 并且情报机构仍然可以继续对恐怖分子嫌疑人的通信进行监听。
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- Some people in Britain's tightknit intelligence community grumble that, even though the agency has done its best to keep the event under wraps, it is not appropriate for MI6 to be holding balls. 英国错综紧密的情报圈中有人抱怨说,即使军情六处已经尽力使这次活动保持低调,但它举办盛会仍然是不合时宜的。
- The report by Pentagon acting inspector general Gimble backs earlier assertions made by the intelligence community before the U.S.-led invasion that Iraq and al-Qaida had no operational ties. 国防部代理总监察长金布尔提出的报告,与情报部门在以美国为首的联军进攻伊拉克之前所得出的结论吻合,即伊拉克和基地恐怖组织之间没有行动上的联系。
- The intelligence community could not intercept these communications as freely as they could radio traffic, and the FISA rules began to chafe. 情报单位无法像对付无线电通讯那样自由地拦截光纤通讯,也因此FISA条例开始受挫。